9 - Sacrifice for Duty

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Morning had come far too quickly for Faoladhean's liking, and Finan's insistence on keeping her in bed a bit longer meant that she had less time to nurse Aodhán before reporting for duty at the dock. It left her feeling achy and swollen, and leaking uncomfortably beneath her cuirass and tunic. She huffed with irritation as she left the hall and made her way to the dock, trying to adjust the linen and wool-stuffed pads Gisela had made for her to absorb the leaking. Since she would be leaving Aodhán for such an indeterminate length of time, it was important to take such matters into consideration. Faoladhean sighed deeply as she started to wonder if it would be best to just stop nursing him all together. The thought saddened her, and she pushed it aside to worry about another day.

Finan had gone ahead of her while Faoladhean stopped to check in on their son; he was leaning against a post, chatting with Clapa as she made her way to the dock. Clapa was the first to see her approach, and a wide smile split his face as he waved to her; Finan turned to see who Clapa was greeting, and gave her his own smile as he pushed away from the post. Though it hadn't been long since they parted, he still wrapped his arms around her, then kissed her in greeting.

Faoladhean arched a brow at him as she broke the kiss. "Are we allowed to be so...affectionate while on duty?"

Finan shrugged. "Uhtred is not here, and it's not as though I'm burying myself in ya against that tree right there." He tipped his head in the direction of said tree while smirking.

"Ach!" Faoladhean playfully smacked him in the chest. "Quiet!" she hissed at him, then started giggling and walked toward Clapa, who was doing his best to appear as if he wasn't listening to them. "Good morning to ye, Clapa!" She smiled as he stood and wrapped his massive arms around her.

"Lady Wolf! I have missed working with you, you know." He smiled down at her as he held her by the upper arms, looking her over. "I am glad to see you."

"Likewise!" Faoladhean stepped back slightly and looked between the two men. "Has Uhtred been by already? He was noe in the hall when I was."

Finan nodded. "He was, why?"

"I was curious if he said why he wanted me here in addition to the two of ye. It seems odd when all we are expecting is a political envoy."

Clapa shrugged and looked at Finan, who ran his hand over his short hair. "He did not explain. He did say that Thyra and Beocca were to be traveling with Æthelred. Maybe he wants ya here for Thyra? I couldn't say, really."

Faoladhean's lips pursed slightly as she hummed. "That is a possibility, I suppose. It just seems strange."

Finan nodded absently as the signal whistle from upriver sounded. "A boat's coming," he said, "I am sure it is the lord of Mercia."

The three of them stood at attention and waited for the arrival of the lord of Mercia and his traveling party. Faoladhean was surprised to see the big man who had been following her and Gisela in the market at Winchester sitting in one of the boats, but it was the woman sitting beside the Mercian lord that surprised her most, and she sucked in an audible breath.

"What, mo ghrá? What is it?" Finan looked over at her, his brows pulling into a frown.

"Aethelflaed is with them," she said quietly and glanced over at Finan, a grim set to her lips.

Finan held her gaze for a moment as the boat docked, tension around his eyes, though he forced himself to put on a smile as he approached the dock, Clapa and Faoladhean following just behind. They fanned out as the boat emptied of passengers, and Faoladhean overheard the Mercian lord speaking to Father Beocca, though she made no indication that she listened in.

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