How It All Begin

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Quincy pulled up outside seeing Nia waiting on his porch with some bags in her hands. He gets out going up to his porch confused. 

"What are you doing here? "

The last time he checked she left when Zach was 10 not say where she went or anything just locked her bags and was never seen again. 

"Can we talk? "

"8 Years Nia? "

"We need to talk Quincy," She said


He unlocked his door letting her in

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He unlocked his door letting her in.  She sits her bags down follows him to the living room and looks around. 

"Is Zach here? "

"Nia, what are you doing here?  You left me? "

Quincy becomes hurt again cause Nia was his world he would die for her. She just left not saying anything to him. 

"I'm sorry Quincy I didn't have a choice"

"Choice Nia.  Fuck you talking about we about to get married and all"

"I was pregnant"

"PREGNANT? Where is my baby then? "

"It's not yours Quincy"

Quincy looks at her and begins becoming angry. 

"WHAT?  Who is it then? "

Nia ain't say anything just looked at him. 


"Trevor's "

"The fucking lawyer.  Our Lawyer Nia? "


Quincy grabs Nia by the neck pushing her up on the wall. 


Zach walks in and sees His dad holding his mom up against the wall.  Zach was shocked to see. 

"Mom? "

Quincy let go of Nia walking away.

"Hey, baby.  Look at you. You look so handsome" Nia said walking up to him.

Zach steps back avoiding her touching him.

"Why are you here? "

"To see you and your dad"

"You've been out my life for 8 years now you show up out of the blue.  Why? "


Quincy walks back in.  Grab in her bags throwing them out the door. 

"Pops you good? "

He didn't say anything at first.  He comes back in shutting the door. 

"Tell him why you left," Quincy said folding his arms

"Tell me what? "

"You have a little sister"

"Okay, where is she? "

"With her dad"

Zach folds his arms too. 

"Wait you cheated on pops and got pregnant by somebody else? "

"Yes baby and I'm sorry for leaving"

Zach storms off to his room.  Quincy stands there looking at her dumb

"Look Quincy I have nowhere to go.  And I need somewhere to stay"

He laughed

"That's not my problem.  Go to your other baby daddy"

"He has a wife"

"Wow, so where were you staying these eight years? "

"He's been keeping me in a hotel in Chicago. But he stopped doing his part and cut me off completely and took our daughter away from me"

Quincy shook his head.  Cause all he did was take care of her too.  She never wanted to get up and work so he made sure she was food either way.  Just be a stay-at-home mom and make sure the house is together. 

Zach comes back downstairs hearing everything from the top.

"Let her stay"

They both look at him. 

"I don't know"

Zach comes downstairs looking at her. 

"Look I'm pissed too.  But she is still my mom"

"I'm sorry, " Nia said about to cry. 

"We are about to move here in 2 months. That's how long you have to find a place. Stay out my way"

Quincy walks to his bedroom his the back.  Zach looks at her wanting to say a lot but he lets it be. Zach helped her put her bags back in. 

"You can stay in the guest room"

Walking upstairs to the back.  He opens the room door. Looking around it was big.  King-size bug TV on the wall well out together for anybody stay the night

"Look I want to tell you a lot if you let me"

"All do respect. You're my mother but I'm leaving anyways in some months so you won't be seeing me" Zaxh closed the door hurt for real.  That was his mother.  He always asked about her growing up.  The love will always be there.

The next morning

Quincy downstairs cooking breakfast seeing Nia come down in her rob.  She was always beautiful to him.  And her beauty never left her.  He looks at her getting all the feelings back. 

"Good morning," Nia said sitting down at the kitchen table. 


"I would like to talk to Quincy.  I know you still love me"

"If I do that has nothing to do with it"

"I didn't want to hurt you"

"So you waited eight years?".

"I knew you would have probably killed him and me"

"Glad you are very smart"

"I wasn't ready to look you in your face and tell you, Quincy"

"This is a good time to do it.  I just put a bitch out for doing some dumb shit. Now you?  Y'all bitches something else"

"I just want to start over.  With you"

"Hell nah.  Ain't no is Nia.  That shit all the way dead "

"Just let me fix it"

"I got shit to do.  So don't fuck with my shit while I'm gone"

Nia watched as he walked out the door.

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