Chapter 45

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Lola walks into the house taking off her shoes.  She was mad as fuck,  but at this point, she was over it. She walks to her room takes her clothes off and throws on a robe hoping in bed.  Her phone begins to ring in her purse.  She walks over to the table where she sets her phone at. Grabbing  it seeing it's Romel. She rolled her eyes as she answered the phone walked back into her room and lay in bed. 

"Yes" Lola answered

"Damn, what did I do to you? " Romel asked


"What's wrong? "

"You blowing me up all day"

"My bad I was just seeing if a nigga can come see you next week.  You ain't talk to me since you've left."

"Been busy Romel"

"Look whatever you going through don't take that shit out on me".

"I'm not taking shit out on you. "

"I'll hit you later," Romel said hanging up. 

Lola put her phone down next to her putting her head in her hands picking her phone back up calling Romel back. 

"My bad," Lola said as he answered the phone. 

"You go talk to a nigga? "

"A lot happened today. "

"Like what? " He asked

Lola didn't want to talk about her And Quincy to Romel. 

"Maybe we shouldn't even talk about it," Lola said laying back on her pillow. 

"Let me come see you"

"When? "

"Next week"

"You gone travel all this way just to see me again? " Lola said smiling a little. 

"Why not?  Told you I wasn't letting you go ghost on me again"

"Let me think about what I'm doing next week. " Lola said thinking

"Not shit," Romel said

Lola laughs knowing she ain't have anything planned anyway. 

"My point.  I'll be there that Friday morning" Romel said

"And how long do you plan on staying? "

"Until I know for sure I got you back under me.  "

"Under you? "

"You know exactly what I mean"

Lola did.  Every time they were around each other she stayed under him like glue. 

"We gone see about that," Lola said

"I'll hit you later mama," Romel said hanging up. 

Next morning

Her mother came inside since she had a key.  She walks into Lola's room opening her curtains. Lola jumped up putting her hand in her face.

"Ma what the fu.. 

"You better not cuss in front of me.  Get up.  How was your trip? " Her mother said cleaning up her room.

"Ma don't come cleaning up and shi...

"Girl," her mother said picking up her shirt and throwing it at her. 

"I'm sorry.  But don't start cleaning up.  I got it"

"Shouldn't be on the floor in the first place"

"Umm, my house.  " Lola said getting up. 

"How was your trip? "

"I went back home "

"Really?  Why? "

"Missed being home.  So I went and I saw Romel"

"Oh, I remember that badass little boy.  Couldn't stay away from him"

"Yeah," Lola said putting her head down and smiling. 

Her mother noticed the way her daughter was looking she still was in love with him. 

"Still love that boy I see"

"I don't know what to call.  I really just think it's feelings"

"Me and Your father were the same way you know," her mother said coming to sit next to her

"How so? "

"We were a lot older though.  Met in middle school and hung out every day.  I mean waking up thinking about that man.  When your grandmother moved us from New York.  I joined the Army after high school.  Going into that field and seeing your father again brought back so many memories.  I fell back in love with him.  Then here you are. "

"Wow, I never knew. I'm still in love with Quincy's mom.  And right now it's a battle"

"What do you mean? "

"Well, I told Quincy I loved Romel just yesterday.  And he left me in the restaurant by myself.  Stormed out"

"Sometimes you can't tell a man who is already in love with you that you are in love with another man"

"He did the same shit to me.  It was two of them"

"You need to worry about you.  Being in love with two men is different when a man is in love with two women"

"Well, he knows how it feels.  He can't be mad at me.  When we  not together anyways."

"Don't try to avoid your problems.  It can make it worse sweetheart.  Now get up.  I came over here,  cause I need my hair done by Courtney. "

"I'll call her for you.  She'll squeeze you in"

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