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Arriving at Quincy's new house it was bigger and better than the house Lola gave to him.

"So you moved? "

"Yeah," He said turning off his car and getting out. He was still feeling away about Lola. He comes around opening her door. "Let's go," He said

They walked inside his house which was his style. Mainly black inside but it was beautiful.

"This nice. I love the black" Lola said

"Go shower," he said going into the kitchen.

"You not gone come shower with me? "

"No," He said not looking at her.

Lola ignores him going to find the bathroom. She walks into the first bedroom she sees. She was drunk so she didn't care which shower to go into. She gets out 30 minutes later and sees some shorts and a tank top for her on the sink.

She drys off puts it on leaves the room goes back into the living room and sees Quincy bagging up some Weed.

"You can go to bed," He said

Lola comes over climbing on top of him and wrapping her arms around his neck. Quincy looks up at her drunk.

"I want you," She said trying to take off his shirt.

He picks her up goes into the guest room opens the door laying her down on the bed. He pulled the cover from under her putting it on top of her

"Get some sleep," He said walking back out.

Lola was confused about how he was acting. But she was tired so she called it one.

Waking up the next morning with a headache she ain't know what happened last night. She just remembers bits of pieces. Looking around she notices this is her house. She gets up leaves the room and sees Quincy in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"How did I get here?" she asked sitting on the island.

"Aint force you here, if that's what you saying," He said turning around to the stove.

Lola can tell by his body language and attitude that something happened last night.

"What happened?" she asked curiously.

"You were that drunk you don't remember anything? "

"I remember you grabbing me out of the club and Mona stopped you" Lola laughs.

Quincy turns around looking at her Mad as fuck.

"You sure didn't mind telling me you made love to that nigga"

Lola's eyes got big not saying anything else.

"Nothing to say?" he said putting down the spatula and looking at her.

"I don't know what to say."

"I figure that," he said bringing her a plate and sitting it down in front of her

"You mad at me?"

"You foul"

"Foul? "

"You heard me"

"Then why the fuck am I here then? You could have taken me home?" Lola said scooting the plate away from her and getting up.

"You right I should have"

Lola looks at him seeing he hurt for real.

"I don't want him if that's what you think"

"You told me that last night"


"Still don't change shit, Lola. I don't know if can even fuck you now"

"You serious? "

"Dead ass," Quincy said not meaning it but every time he looks at her now he just think about somebody else fucking her as he did.

Lola gets up goes to the living room sees her phone on the table grabs it. She unlocks it calling Mona.

"Can you come get me?" Lola said with tears in her eyes.

"You okay? "

"No just come get me," Lola said hanging up and giving Mona her location.

Quincy walks into the living room and sees her on the phone. He was hurt too. He loved Lola but fucking another nigga so soon fucked him up.

Lola puts on her shoes and walks out the door. She begins walking down the street trying to get away from Quincy's house. He walks outside and sees her walk down the street. Mona pulls up with a quickness. Lola gets in seeing him at the door with his arms folded. Mona drives off.

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