Chapter 33

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Lola gets up hearing Quincy hang the phone up real quick. 

"Who was that? "

"Nobody," Quincy said going to the bathroom.

He wasn't going to tell Lola anything.  They were still dealing with what happened last night. He comes back out of the bathroom looking at Lola. 

"Look you ain't got to worry about them no more they went"

Lola ain't say anything just got up and went to brush her teeth.  Coming back out. 

"I have to go to work"

"After what happened last night? "

"Yeah.  I don't want to just sit around not doing shit. I can be making money" Lola said going to her closet.  Lola left an hour later.  Quincy watched as she pulled off grabbed his keys and went to his car Headed Nia's crib. 

He pulled up outside her Condo getting out and going up the elevator.  He hops off going to knock on her door. Nia opens it seeing it's Quincy. 

Quincy walks in, passes her, and goes to sit down.  Nia closed the door coming to sit next to him..

"So when did you find out? "

"This morning"

"How far along? "

"I don't know Quincy"

"I don't know what to tell you.  But I can't have this baby"

"What? "

"Nia. I'm moving on with Lola.  That's gone fuck shit up"

"Ain't my fault you've been fucking me raw"

Quincy put his hands on his head.

"So you want to keep it? ".

"Yea I am"

"What are you getting out of it? "

"You back"

"This ain't no fucking game Nia"

"Never said it was"

"I'm not on that time with you.  If you are pregnant then I have to do what I got to do.  But at the end of the day you know I ain't want this baby"

"I'm not letting you go that easily.  So if you don't tell her soon I will. "

"Gone on the head and see what happens"

Quincy got up leaving out the door he ain't know what was wrong with Nia. But she needs to get her shit together. 

Lola pulled up to Courtney's shop going inside to the back incoming on the door. 

"Come in," Courtney said

"Hey boo.  How did you sleep after the party? ".

"Jordan and Llody showed up at Quincy shooting it up"

"WHAT? Are you okay? " Courtney said getting up and going to sit next to her

"Quincy had his boys kill them"


Mona walks in eating. 

"Omg, what? "

"Tell her"

"Jordan and Llody Got killed"

"Good.  They deserve it"

"Mona," Courtney said

"What? Look what they did to her"

"Quincy killed them.  They shot up his house with me in it"

"Oh well they DEFINITELY deserve it," Mona said

Mona sits down next to Lola. 

"So how are you feeling overall"

Lola got to crying.  Thinking her life is just going in circles. 

"Man too much going on.  Just need a vacation"

"Where do you want to go? "

"New York honestly"

"Well, ain't your Vacation break coming from work? "


"Okay book us the flight and let's get the fuck away," Courtney said. 

"Let me book them," Mona said


Lola was actually from New York.  So being back home would give her the comfort she needs.

"So what made you go to Quincy? "

"He the one who gave me the gifts"

"Damn that's dope," Mona said

Nia walks in Mad as hell.  She didn't give a fuck what Quincy was saying. 

"Can I help you? " one of Courtney's hair stylists said

"Yeah is Your boss here? "

"Yeah, I'll go get her.  What's your name? "



She walks to the back knocking on the door. 

"Hey there's a Nia that's here to see you"

"Nia? " Lola said

"Here I come"

Mona,  Courtney, and Lola got up and went out the door to the front.  Once in the form Nia stood with her arms folded. 

"What's up? " Mona asked

"Lola just the person I wanted to see"

"Girl, why the fuck do you want? " Mona said

"I wasn't talking to you," Nia said

"But I was talking to you,"  Mona said getting in her face. 

Courtney steps in between. 

"What you want?" Lola asked

"I'm pregnant.  And yes it's Quincy"

"Ohhh Congratulations.  Do you feel better? " Mona asked

Nia looks at her and then back at Lola

"So nothing to say...

"No bitch get out. Cause I don't mind you being pregnant ill still hit your ass" Mona said getting in her face.

"Gone on head.  And I'll have to call the police"

"Bitch I got bond money"

"Nia I don't give a fuck about you being pregnant.  Go be happy with a nigga That don't even want you. " Lola

"And you think he wants you? ".

"Shit with the things he bought you yesterday for your birthday.  Yeah he does" Mona said

"Get out," Courtney said

"Oh, I am.  Just wanted to let Lola know"

"Well, bitch you did now go.  For you are pregnant no more"

Nia walks out. 

"You good"

"I'm good. Ride with me" Lola said

"Awe shit," Courtney said

Once Lola gets in her mode of being fed the fuck up.  It was game time. Pulling up to the house 30 minutes later.  Lola gets out slams her car door and sees Quincy's car there. She walks in and sees him on the couch drinking some liquor.  Lola went over grabbing it and pouring it right over him.  He pops up surprised. 


Lola steals off of him.  Mona sits back watching Lola giving him blow after blow.  And she knows how to fight cause her mother taught her very well.  Quincy grabs Lola wrapping his arms around her



Mona stands there in shock. 

What happens next? 😭🤷🏾‍♀️

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