Chapter 25

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Quincy is out with Melvin and Mark at the bar just chilling and drinking. 

"So what's been up nigga?  You've been off lately" Melvin asked Quincy. 

"Man just trying to deal with all this shit going on around me. "

"You still fucking with Nia? "

"From time to time. But I'm fucked up about Lola"

"If you would have listened.  It wouldn't  of happened.  So what do you plan on doing? "

"She blocks a nigga on everything.  She doesn't answer the door.  Like she ain't even been staying there for months.  My mind fucking with me.  The whole time thinking she fucking on a dude at the club I saw that night"

"Damn, bro."

Lloyd walks in with one of his home boys walking up to the bar.  Quincy and them were sitting on the other side of the bar. 

"Ain't that the nigga right there? "

Quincy turns around becoming angry.

"I will be back"

"You need us? "


Quincy walked over to Llody getting his attention. 

"What's up? " Lloyd asked

"Ready to talk nigga? "

Lloyd raised his eyebrow not getting offended by what he was saying. 

"Give me a minute bro," Lloyd said talking to his friend.

They walked out of the bar outside.

"So what's up? " Lloyd asked

"You tell me.  You fucking Lola? ".


"Nigga be real"

"I said maybe nigga.  If I was why are you so worried about it?  Wasn't you fucking on another bitch behind her back? "

"That ain't got shit to do with you nigga"

"It does when she calls me crying"

Quincy stole off on him.  They began to fight outside the bar.  Melvid Mark and Llody friends outside seeing them go at it.  Melvin grabbed Quincy even though he was big and strong and Llody's friend grabbed him

"Just know that pussy real Good nigga" Lloyd said

Quincy pushed Melvin off going back up and stealing off the dude making him fall this time. 

"I'll be to find you," Quincy said. 

Quincy got in the car starting it.  Melvin and Mark got in with him.  He drove off pulling up to Lola's house within 15 minutes.  Melvin knew he was pissed.  And once he's like that wasn't no stopping him from doing anything.  Lola's car was finally there.  He gets out banging on the door.

Lola pops up out of bed scared.  Grabbing her gun she throws on her robe.  Walking to the door with her gun she looks through the peephole seeing it's Quincy by the looks of it he looks pissed. Quincy heard Lola by the door. 

"Opening THE FUCKING DOOR" Quincy began to yell.


"Lola I WILL BREAK THIS BITCH DOWN.  OPEN IT" He said hitting the door.

Lola jumps back.  She opens the door.  Quincy pushes it open grabbing her neck slightly. 


Quincy said still holding her neck and pushing her to the wall.

"I'm not fucking anybody.  Why are you bleeding? "

Quincy looks down at her holding the gun.  He takes it throwing it on the ground. 

"Don't FUCKING LIE" He said removing his hand from her neck and pointing his fingers in her face. 



"Who Llody? "


He said still pointing his fingering in her face.  Lola moves his fingers just for him to put it right back in her face. 



Lola looks at him not saying a word

"LOLA," He said punching the wall. 

Lola jumps. 


Lola puts her hands on her head looking at Quincy who looks like he is about to kill somebody. 

"We just kissed okay?  I got horny he took me to the bathroom in the restaurant. "

"THAN WHAT? " He said

"He fingered me.  That's it"


"I stopped him,  cause I got to thinking about your ass Quincy"

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. " Quincy said

"I'm being serious"

"So where you've been these past few months nigga? "

"A hotel"

Quincy moved from holding her up against the wall. 

"Why are you bleeding? "

"Don't fucking worry about it.  You gone find out soon" Quincy said walking toward the door


"Nah.  Go be with that nigga.  And ask him how my fist felt" Quincy said slamming the door

Lola runs out of the house to him.

"Stop.  You didn't just go fight this dude"

Quincy pushed her out of the way. 


"Ask him," Quincy said getting in the car and driving off. 

"You good foo? " Melvin asked

"I'm straight now" Quincy said. 

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