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2 weeks later

Lola met Romel at a place called "Tiki Bar and Grill" She saw him sitting at the bench waiting.  Lola decided not to tell Quincy where she would be at,  cause she knew he be watching close by.  Romel gets up to hug Lola. 

"Decided to finally Come see me?" he said

They sit down across from each other.

"So what's sup? " he asked

"I just want to be real with you without you getting mad or upset. I'm moving on with Quincy which I already told you.  I shouldn't have never slept with you or tried to play with your heart like that.  I not saying what we did was not real,  cause it was at the moment.  But we not kids anymore.  We grew apart Romel"

"So this nigga really got you like this? 

"It's not about him or how he has me.  Worry about yourself"

"Lola how you gone tell me that when you said you love me back and shit.  You think this is about to be sweet.  It ain't"

"What's supposed to mean?"

Romel ain't say nothing. Lola gets up about to leave she ain't got time for no games with him.

"Hold on," Romel said getting up and grabbing her hand. 

Lola bends over throwing up. 

"Damn, you good? " Romel asked

"I'm fine," she said throwing up again. 

"Don't seem like it"

Lola ain't been feeling well for some days now.  She didn't know what came over her body. 

"You need a ride to the hospital? "


"Lola let me take you.  Despite of us.  You need a ride"

"Okay Okay," she said

Romel grabs Lola and takes her to his car.  They get in pulling up to the hospital. 

"Hope you good," he said driving off.

Lola walks out the hospital 3 hours later crying and sees Mona waiting for her outside.  She just found out she was pregnant. She gets in the car looking down handing Mona the papers. Mona looks at them.

"Oh shit.  Lola! " Mona said in shock. 

"I don't know what to do," She said looking at her phone and seeing Quincy calling and Nd over. 

"Don't take this as I'm being rude.  But who is it? " Mona asked


"Are y'all back together? "

"Yeah.  But I've been ignoring him all day.  Romel dropped me off though"

Mona drove off to go to Lola's house.  They walk inside sitting down. 

"You want me to call the girls"

"Yeah.  And don't tell them yet"

Courtney and Jela walked in with something to eat and drink an hour later

"Hey y'all," Jela said coming to sit down and handing Lola her favorite wine. 

"What's wrong with you? " Jela said looking at Lola

Lola burst out crying again. 

"What the fuck" Courtney said looking at Lola. 

"What's wrong?"

"Mona" Jela asked

"Ask her," Mona said

"I'm pregnant! "

"YOU WHAT?" Courtney said still standing. 

"By? " Jela ask

"Quincy," Mona said

"Wait I thought the last person you fucked was Romel? " Courtney said.

"We fucked two weeks ago Courtney," Lola said

"Oh.  Well babies. Ohh how are you feeling?  I mean are you keeping it? "

"I don't fucking know," Lola said

"Well if do.  He or she gone have the best fucking aunties.  Do you know how much stuff I can buy? " Jela said smiling. 

"Girl you?  Watch how much I come with" Courtney said

"None of bitches gone out do me," Mona said

"Y'all I don't know if I even want to keep the baby," Lola said seeing her phone go off again

"Not gone answer? " Jela said

"She's been ignoring this man since I picked her up"

"I think he knew," Lola said

"What do you mean? " Courtney asked finally sitting next to her

"Out of the blue.  After we had sex he asked if I ever wanted kids."

"Hmm," Mona said

"I don't know," Lola said

"Well, whatever decision you make.  We here like always you know that babies"

"I'm mad I can't drink now."

They laughed

"I'm serious" Lola said joining the laugh with tears still rolling down her face.

They all came in and hugged her.

"We love you " Jela said

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