Chapter 41

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Later that night Lola and Mona are on the table against Romel and one of Romel's homeboys playing spades. 

"Y'all suck asses," Mona said

"Who? " Romel said cutting Mona ace of the club. 

"Bitch move," Mona said

"Aye now.  Play that shit" Romel said laughing. 

Lola couldn't help but keep looking at Romel smiling.  Romel noticed and kept it cool.  Later that night everybody just chilling on the couch.  Lola gets up going towards Romel's room seeing him come out of the bathroom.  She grabs his shirt and goes on for a kiss. He picked me up and went into his bedroom.  I shut the door locking it as he still holds me.  He lays me down on the bed lifting my dress and pulling off my thong. Grabbing my thighs scooting me down to his face. Twirling your tongue around my clit. I grabbed your head tilting my head back making you go in for more. He takes his left two fingers sticking inside me. I let out a moan desperate for more. The tension in the room seems to be like a dream. Squeezing on my thigh tight with your right hand.

"Set up," he said

And I did just that watching him go faster falling back.

"Baby," I said as he slowed down.

"Come here," he said

I stood up as he grabbed my legs picking me up. He sits me on the dresser opening my legs and sticking his dick inside me. Placing his left hand on my clit.

"Fuck" I let out as my body fell back.

As he began grinding inside of me going in and out with his long 8-inch dick. I grabbed his muscles squeezing them feeling myself about to cum all over him. The way he looks at me with his full lips biting the bottom lip with one eyebrow up staring at me while my head tilted, eyes back, mouth open. Picking me up bouncing me up and down. While our lips meet tongue kissing. Walking me back to the bed he lays me down.

"Bend over," He said

Turning over he sticks it back in slapping my ass and making me say his name.

"I'm about to cum baby" Lola moaned out as she began to squirt all over his dick.

He grabs her hair speeding up the flow pulling out. Lola turned around and grabbed his dick sticking his 8 inches down her throat and bringing her head up he grabs my head and pushed it back down my throat for a minute lifting my head back up and looking down at me. I choked. He moaned out cumming all in my mouth. Swallowing it while looking at him in his eyes.

I get up wipe my mouth and go to the bathroom.  He comes in behind me grabbing me from behind and kissing me on my neck.

"I definitely not letting you leave now," Romel said

"You ain't got a choice.  I have a business"

"I'll fly down to you every chance I get to"

Lola smiles.  Romel walks in her face looking at her.  He loved Lola very much.  And he was serious about not letting up.

"What? " Lola said

"When are you leaving? "

"In two days"

"Damn you've only been here two days"

"Have a house to show. That needs to be sold.  I can't miss out on that"

"Awe okay.  No pressure.  Can I come to visit? " He asked

"Right now I want some sleep. "

"You can stay here"

"No.  I'm going back to my hotel" Lola said laughing. 

Romel and Lola walk out of the room seeing Everybody damn near knocked out. 

"Courtney,  Mona, and Jela.  Y'all ready? " Lola said getting their attention.

Romel grabs Lola's arms turning her towards him. 

"Don't ignore my question" He said

"I don't mind you coming to visit Romel"

"You had a good time"

Lola steps forward kissing him.  Before waking out the door.

"Real good time," Lola said shutting the door and blowing Romel a kiss. 

Walking out of the lobby.  Mona busts out laughing. 

"What's funny? " Courtney asked

"Lola and Romel.  Like nobody heard y'all" Mona said laughing. 

"Was it that loud? " Lola said raising her eyebrow

"Yes bitch" Mona said

"Hell," Lola said putting her hand on her head. 

"I don't know how Quincy went feel about this one," Jela said

"Me and Quincy are not together anymore.  He has bigger problems.  Hello" Lola said

"Yeah, but that man is still madly in love with you.  Now you have Two Nigga you are in love with" Courtney said

Lola got in the truck shutting the back door.  She really got to thinking about what Courtney said.  She has feelings for Romel but she never thought she can fall back in love with A man she hasn't seen in year's. 

"is it possible? " I say to myself

"am I in love with two men? " I asked myself

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