Chapter 1

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Naece (Nay Cee) loved adventure; She loved adventures so much that she never missed a chance to get one. Naece loved her mom and dad, sadly her dad disappeared when Naece was young. Naece's dad loved adventure too. She knew that's where she got her sense of adventure from.

Naece went on a treasure hunt when she got bored of being in the house and got the metal detector and went to the park Beep, beep, beep "Come on please be something valuable," Naece said, but it was just an old can lid. She always found stuff like cans, lids, and other junk of that sort. The metal detector went off again. Based on her luck, she did not expect what she found. She saw a gold thing sticking out of the ground. She carefully unburied it and saw a beautiful whistle covered in diamonds she found a note connected to it and it said,

"To whom may ever find this treasure. Use it carefully and never lose it. Signed

Mr. Lahar

She ran all the way home.

Naece nearly cried when she saw this note. It was her dad's signature. When she showed her mom, she could not bear thinking about her long lost husband so she said that she saw no paper and a rusted whistle.

Naece told her mom but her mom pretended not to see the stuff. " Oh Naece," her mom said, " you have a wild imagination just like your dad. I wish he was here. I think you just miss him too much."

Naece couldn't understand, she could see everything quite well, she thought. She fell asleep and had a dream that she was in space.

She had a dream of her dad standing there saying"Naece, Blow the whistle and bring me back, blow it twice..."

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