Chapter 12

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Back at the hospital where Naece's needs were urgent. Nurses working on her here and there trying to do all they can to keep Naece alive. Clair walked out and said a special prayer, something around this," Please help Naece to breathe again. Amen"

Inside the room there was a deep gasp that relieved everyone. Naece's assigned nurse ( Mary)walked out the room and said," Your daughter is here another life saved."

Naece's mom ran to Naece and kissed her on the forehead and whispered" I love you my little angel."

Meanwhile, Noah was still running and the city was now in sight. He was out of breath and needed water he said to himself while panting," H-h-h-man-h-h-h-The city-h-h-h-finally in reach and I-h-h-h-h-will be safe at home.H-h-h-h-h- They would run all-h-h-h-h-h-the way here for now use.H-h-h-h-That would be funny.H-h-h-h"

When he arrived there was a fountain that was pouring water that seemed to call him. He then went to get a sip of water. After drinking water he headed to the hospital for what he thought was the last time he will ever see his only true treasure.

He arrived and Clair ran out, "oh you are finally here. Naece was just about to die, but she didn't! I don't know how to explain it but she is almost well! "

Naece came out in a wheelchair that Mary was pushing and she said,"Passed all of the tests. She will recover soon and will be up on her feet. Just give her a day or two to recover. Then either buy the chair or return it whatever you choose." Then turned and walked away.

Naece looked at her father and asked with a gentle voice," Father? Do you know where the whistle is? The man who kidnapped me was looking for it."

" No, All I know is that you left it in your dresser drawer for the night."

" Oh Yeah, I remember! So I won't break the whistle."

" Let's go home to have a Party."

" NO, I can't stay here, there are people looking for me."

" Alright, let's live in the swamp!"

" Wheelchair-swamp doesn't match very well."

" I will be well tomorrow."

So they set off 1 day later with Naece piggy-back riding on her father. Soon after about 20 miles into it then they took a break. They set camp and tell stories around the campfire The next morning they set on their journey. Later they were ambushed by people who called themselves " Wild Roamers "

They were nice........ish they let them live with them for a while to know how to live in the wild without dying first. They soon became friends and liked them. However, they still needed to move on so they said their farewells and set off.

Next thing they knew they were in the middle of nowhere stranded and out of food and had only a pint of water. They then decided to save the water and go as far as they could. They eventually came to the swamp and made a treehouse up in the tree. When Naece was about to have her 15th birthday, her mother told her she was gonna have a baby on her birthday so she had to go get the doctor now so he can be there when the baby comes. Naece was excited to finally have a sibling to play with. She hoped it was a girl so that she would have someone to play with and be just like her.

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