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sweet summer
at a beach house
time for breakfast
the breeze being my spouse

smearing honey
all over my bread
it got on my hand
lick it away!

it's tasty
but also sticks
it won't come off
look how it drips

get me a tissue
I need help
but nobody heard
my calls, I guess

there I watched
the honey's flow
all over my hands
over my arms grow

I watched
was this dangerous?
I let it happen
as if I was watching the circus

slowly it became
more and more
soon the honey covered
the entire floor

the honey rose
over my entire world
did nobody see,
the color gold?

there I was
floating in honey
rising over the ocean
it kinda felt free

it became
hard to move
I was dragged away
but I liked the view

hour after hour
I grew impatient
when would this
finally find end?

the time dragged
itself over eternity
at least my body
felt kinda fluffy

years went by
my hair grew
I smelled of honey
and I also knew

that if I went
back right now
I couldn't keep
going normal about

my body started
it started changing
I wouldn't have minded
but it didn't ask me

I grew sick
of the honey
I tried to get
back to my feet

I grew sick
I didn't want this
I again felt a breeze

I was on sand
the water touching my toes
arms hugging me tight
why, I don't know

I turned around
was greeted by smiles
smiles of pity and fear
smiles like knives

what did this
all mean?
I watched another me
wipe me clean

then I noticed
blood in my eyes
I had gotten used to the gold
but now I slowly grew blind

the blood
dripped down as tears
over my face
but I still saw carers

the other me
cleaned me all up
I tried thanking
but she took off

there I stood
walked back to my hut
I looked around
the mess, the mud

I looked around
to a calendar
then I noticed
I tried to surrender

memories came back
but none were mine
who's were they?
it made me cry

the memories
of the ocean
a stormy night
and I was swimming

I pushed
the memories away
this time shall be
forgotten, I prayed

those days
those months
those years
hurt my lungs

I still couldn't
thank the other me
for saving myself
out of the endless honey

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