Chapter XII

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"Sakura, sorry, did I wake you up?" Kazuha palms at her cheeks, wiping them as she sniffles.

"No, I haven't been sleeping yet," Sakura says, unsure whether she should acknowledge the fact that the girl has been crying, because now, she's smiling again.

Is it because of the squad announcement? She wonders as she makes her way to the kitchen sink.

"I also couldn't sleep. I feel like the adrenaline is still buzzing in my veins," Kazuha says as she passes Sakura a glass from the cupboard. "So I've decided to watch this Korean drama Chaewon has recommended me. Turns out it's quite sad. And then I got hungry," she chuckles, her long dark hair mussed-up a little.

Sakura regards her from above her glass of water, resisting the urge to reach out and fix her hair. It's not the first time that she has this sudden impulse to do it, but she still cannot explain where it comes from. She suspects that it's maybe similar to how one cannot resist petting a cute puppy when they see one.

"I thought it was maybe because of the squad announcement," Sakura blurts out as she places the empty glass in the sink and winces.

She may have good control of her hands, but she needs to work on controlling her mouth. The communication between her brain and lips seems to be failing lately. She didn't plan to bring up the call-ups. It's late and Kazuha already has trouble sleeping; she didn't want to give her more stuff to think about.

But alas, the proverbial cat is out of the bag now, and Kazuha perks up.

"Squad announcement? You mean for the national team?"

"Yeah, have you seen it?"

Kazuha shakes her head, and her smile dims a little. "We didn't get in, did we? If we did, you would have told me the moment you knew. And I can imagine you'd be jumping from joy."

"Yeah, I would," Sakura admits with an equally sullen expression.

"Well, our first match wasn't the best, so I wasn't expecting much." Kazuha shrugs, and Sakura is suddenly hit with guilt.

She looks down in shame, wrapping her arms around her torso. If only she didn't screw up that first game. God, she's so pissed at herself for that.

"But if we keep playing like we did today, I bet we'll make the team."

Looking up at the girl, Sakura finds the same unwavering confidence in Kazuha's eyes that she saw earlier today during the game. And it's just so damn easy to believe these soft, brown eyes. Way too easy. She doesn't know how the girl is doing it but if she told her right now that they were to become World Cup Champions tomorrow, Sakura would have believed her in a heartbeat.

Gnawing at the corner of her bottom lip, she glances to the side. For some reason, she doesn't feel like going back to her room. She doesn't want to be alone with her thoughts right now.

"Hey." She looks back at Kazuha. "Would you like to watch that k-drama together? I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep now."

Kazuha grins. "Only if you promise, you won't laugh at me if I'm gonna cry."

"Oh, don't worry." Sakura waves dismissively. "I totally get it. I always cry when I'm watching Kimi no Na wa."

"What's that?" Kazuha asks, and Sakura stares at her as if she has just admitted to not knowing what an offside is.

"Excuse me? You've never heard of Kimi no Na wa? The biggest masterpiece of Japanese cinema?"

"I don't think so," Kazuha admits, chuckling shamelessly.

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