Chapter XVIII

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Staring at Kazuha's back as she weaves her way through the dancing crowd, Sakura thinks back to those times minutes before the game, when she's standing in the dark tunnel and her whole body thrums with anticipation and excitement. That's how she feels right now.

The problem is, they aren't at a stadium. This isn't a game. There's no number eleven on Kazuha's back, no ponytail, just her bare shoulder blades exposed by her tank top, peeking through her long hair. And yet, with the way Sakura's heart is beating in her chest, thumping wildly like it's trying to escape, she knows she has already lost.

They find a spot closer to the wall where there are fewer people. Kazuha turns around, her hand still holding Sakura's, and, as if on cue, the upbeat music changes to one with a slower tempo and heavy bass. People around them start pressing closer to each other, body to body, grinding and writhing in sync with the sultry music.

The sudden shift in atmosphere makes Sakura want to run back to the booth, or better yet, out of the bar. But then she looks up, finds Kazuha's dark, piercing eyes gazing down at her, and she's unable to move, captivated by the sight.

Her breath hitches as Kazuha makes a tentative step closer, almost erasing the space between them. And there's a voice at the back of Sakura's head, warning her that this is the kind of situation she should be avoiding, yet she ignores it. Some part of her, the one that can't tear her eyes away from the girl, desperately wants to see where this is going.

She places her hands on Kazuha's shoulders, admiring the flush on her cheeks as shadows dance across her face. Then she feels herself blush when Kazuha rests her palms comfortably on her hips, and they start swaying to the music.

Time seems to grind to a halt, the crowd around them dissipating like a hazy illusion. Along with it, every coherent thought abandons Sakura's mind. It's almost as if Kazuha has cast a spell on her. And she might as well have. Sakura just isn't quite sure when that happened.

"See? You can do this." Kazuha's soft chuckle tickles her cheek.

With a shy smile, Sakura shakes her head at the girl, a loose strand of hair falling across her eyes. Kazuha reaches and tucks it behind her ear, the pads of her fingers grazing sensitive skin, making her shudder. Her gaze falls to Sakura's lips, then back to her eyes, as if questioning.

Sakura bites down on the corner of her lips, her palms pressing harder against Kazuha but pulling her in rather than pushing her back. She watches how Kazuha slowly leans in, tilting her face in towards Sakura's.

No– Wait– We can't–

Just as their lips are about to touch, panicked thoughts break through Sakura's dazed mind, and she pushes away from the girl.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom, s-sorry," she stammers, backing away and stumbling into people, before she turns on her heel and starts making her way through the crowd as fast as she can.

By some miracle, there's no queue and one empty stall in the bathroom. Sakura bursts inside and shuts the door, leaning her forehead against it.

"Fuck," she mutters as she closes her eyes and tries to calm down her ragged breathing, but to no avail. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She pounds her fist against the door so hard that the hinges rattle.

What the hell was that?!

Turning around, she slumps against the door and looks up at the ceiling.

Was she about to kiss me? But why? And why have I...wanted it?

Her eyes widen at the realization, and she runs her fingers through her hair, tugging at them roughly.

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