Chapter XIII

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Sakura wakes up when Kazuha sits her down on her bed. They arrived at home. And now, Kazuha will go to her room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Thoughts of failure and disappointment. Of wasted opportunities and uncertain chances.

She was holding on well when they were together, when all that mattered was Japan’s victory, but now, in the darkness of her room, all she can think of is how she didn’t play any part in it and isn’t sure whether she ever will.

“Sakura?” Kazuha’s soft voice breaks through Sakura’s brooding, and she realizes she’s gripping the sleeve of her jacket.

She tells herself that she needs to let go; the girl must be tired and wants to go to sleep, but it’s like her hand has gained a mind of its own and her grip only further tightens. Tears begin to sting her eyes as she feels Kazuha’s gentle fingers pry open her palm. 

Her hand falls limply beside her along with the first teardrops.

She expects the sound of closing doors to follow but instead, there’s a distinct rustle of shed fabric and soon after, the bed behind her dips.

Saachan? ” 

Sakura takes off her shoes, then her jacket along with her hoodie and once her jeans join the pile of clothes on the floor, she slips under the covers. 

Behind her, Kazuha slowly shifts closer as if hesitating. Sakura can almost feel the heat of the girl’s body against her own but says nothing, does nothing, and only a sob escapes her lips when Kazuha embraces her, pressing their bodies closer together.

What does Kazuha think of her now? Does she find her pathetic? Weak? Because that’s how she feels, right now. Pitiful. Inadequate. Fragile.

There’s no answer to her questions, however, and Sakura finds solace in the encompassing silence. Soon enough she falls asleep, lulled by the sound of Kazuha’s steady breathing.


Blinking blearily against the room’s brightness, Sakura slowly opens her eyes. Her mouth parched and head throbbing with unbearable pain as though she had done one too many headers. Adding to that, she feels both queasy and hungry. And as she tries to sit up, she finds it that she’s unable to due to some pressure preventing her from doing so. 

Confused, she looks down and sees an arm securely wrapped around her waist. It’s not her arm which means—


Eyes fully awake now, she glances over her shoulder and finds Kazuha sleeping soundly while snuggling into her shoulder.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

She swallows and closes her eyes as she tries to calm down her rapidly beating heart but to no avail. With each passing second, her body starts to feel like it's being set on fire with the epicenter of it burning below her belly button. 

I swear I’m never drinking again.

She tries to lift Kazuha’s arm, but the girl responds by pulling her even closer to herself while mumbling something under her breath. The meaning eludes Sakura as all she registers in that moment is how Kazuha’s lips graze her bare shoulder with each word.

A low groan emits from the back of Sakura’s throat. Thankfully, it’s not loud enough to wake Kazuha up. She’d prefer to face a firing squad right now rather than having to look into the girl’s eyes.

Once again she attempts to free herself from the iron grip and this time succeeds. She leaves the bed and haphazardly puts on her yesterday’s clothes. But before she makes her escape, she glances one more time at Kazuha, watching as she rolls onto her back. One arm above her head while the other rests on her exposed stomach as her shirt has ridden up and sheets pooled just beneath her slender waist, allowing for the signature Calvin Klein logo to show.

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