Chapter XVI Part I

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Yunjin didn't lie when she said that they wouldn't get bored with her. What she failed to mention though, was that the fun activities she'd planned for them came at the cost of having a heart attack. At least, that's the case for Sakura, since Kazuha seems to be enjoying herself at Lotte World as much as the blonde does.

Because it's the beginning of October, Sakura half expected the amusement park to be closed already, but unfortunately for her, this is the last week when it's still open. The weather also isn't on her side with how sunny it is. Though the temperature itself isn't the highest due to the chilly Autumn wind.

"Woohoo! That was awesome!" Yunjin exclaims as she steps out of the rollercoaster.

Stumbling out of the wagon, feeling dizzy and a little nauseous, Sakura glares at her loud friend. But Kazuha beside her is just as enthusiastic which only further sours her mood. And to make matters even worse, she can still hear Kazuha's dolphin screams ringing in her ears. It'll be a miracle if by the end of this trip, she doesn't go deaf.

Granted she didn't have to join them for every rollercoaster ride they wanted to try, but at the same time, the idea of Kazuha and Yunjin having fun while she just stood there and watched them, annoyed her enough to overcome her hatred for the scary rides.

Very soon she began regretting her decision but would rather die than admit to it, which still was a possibility given that life has flashed before her eyes at least twice during those rides.

"Wanna go again?" Yunjin asks Kazuha, and Sakura blanches behind them.

"How about we try this," the younger girl points to the Ferris Wheel in the distance.

Sakura lets out a huge sigh of relief. She can handle that.

"Oooh, good idea, Zuha! Let's go!" Yunjin starts running ahead, leaving Sakura with Kazuha behind.

"How are you doing?" Kazuha asks, joining Sakura at her side. "You don't seem to be a big fan of rollercoasters."

"You don't say," Sakura mutters, shoving hands deeper into the pockets of her bomber jacket.

"So then why do you—?"

"Ugh, let's just go and be over with it," Sakura cuts off the girl and grabs her hand, dragging her towards the Ferris Wheel.

The three of them stand in the queue with Yunjin bouncing on the heels of her feet, again having that smug smile plastered on her face which really starts to get on Sakura's nerves. She doesn't understand why it bothers her so much, until it's their turn to step into a cabin, and everything starts making sense to her.

Because once Kazuha and Sakura are already in the cabin, Yunjin doesn't join them. She sends Sakura a wink, whispering 'go get her, tiger' to her as the cabin door closes, and then she simply walks away.

"Oh you...," Sakura mutters to herself through gritted teeth.

How hasn't she thought of this earlier? The one bed setup? The suggestive stares? The smirks? Chaewon must have shared with Yunjin the conversation they had about Kazuha, and now the blonde is playing a matchmaker. Classic Yunjin.

I need new friends .

"What's up with Yunjin?" She hears Kazuha's voice behind her but before she's able to reply, the cabin starts moving, and she loses her balance, landing right on top of Kazuha's lap.

Staring wide-eyed into Kazuha's equally shocked eyes, she watches as her face changes color to bright red and feels her own cheeks copy the action.

"Ah, s-sorry," Sakura mumbles, scrambling off Kazuha's lap to take a seat across from her.

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