Chapter XVI Part II

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"What are you doing here at this hour?!" Chaewon scolds her younger sister and slaps her lightly on the arm, the moment she breaks their heartfelt hug that lasted a good five minutes.

"I came to see you play obviously. I couldn't have missed it," Eunchae says with a cheeky grin. "Congrats on your win! I'll brag about you tomorrow at school." She pulls Chaewon in for another hug and lifts her off the ground.

Despite being just 16, she's already taller than Chaewon, and Sakura thinks she'll soon catch up to Yunjin in terms of height.

"Anyway, aren't you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" she asks teasingly, once she sets her sister back on the ground.

Chaewon's face turns crimson, and she lands another slap on Eunchae's denim clad arm. Yunjin lets out a laugh behind them, earning herself a glare from the midfielder.

"Yunjin is not my girlfriend. And you know her already." Another slap follows, but this time aimed at Yunjin.

Sakura laughs at the exchange, but luckily, since her mouth is covered by the scarf, Chaewon doesn't notice.

"Riiight," Eunchae drawls doubtfully. "Nice to finally meet you, Yunjin unnie." She hugs the blonde.

"Hey kiddo, nice to meet you, too." Yunjin pats her on the head affectionately.

Then looking over Yunjin's shoulder, Eunchae's eyes meet Sakura's.

"Kkura unnie!" she exclaims and then almost tackles Sakura to the ground as she throws herself at her, embracing her tightly.

"Hi, Eunchae," Sakura mumbles against her scarf a little out of breath.

"Wow, you're even prettier in real life," the girl says as she pulls away from the hug.

"And you're even cuter," Sakura says, chuckling.

"No, unnie. Lately, I aim to be cool rather than cute," Eunchae says, making a finger gun under her chin as she grins from ear to ear.

It elicits another chuckle from Sakura. The girl is simply too adorable, and Sakura has to resist the urge to pinch her cute round cheeks.

Eunchae's gaze then falls onto Kazuha who stands beside them, all meek and awkward.

That's when Sakura reminds herself that Kazuha doesn't understand anything from what they're saying. She has already picked up enough Korean from Chaewon and Yunjin to even hold a decent conversation with them in their language, but Kazuha must feel really confused and left out right now.

However, Eunchae is a smart kid and so, she immediately switches to Japanese.

"And you are?"

"Ah, I'm Kazuha. Nice to meet you," Kazuha says cheerfully.

Eunchae tilts her head to the side, regarding the girl with curious eyes. "Are you Kkura unnie's girlfriend?" she asks out of the blue.

Kazuha's eyes widen and so does Sakura's as they exchange an embarrassed glance.

"A-h, Eunchae." Sakura smiles awkwardly, pulling her scarf higher up her nose. "Kazuha is our friend and teammate. I'm sure Chaewon has mentioned her to you."

Eunchae purses her lips and shakes her head. "She didn't. She only ever talks about Yunjin."

"Eunchae," Chaewon sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "No one is dating anyone. Better tell me why you're here alone at such a late hour. Do parents even know you're here? Oh my God, don't tell me you ran away from home!"

"Oh come on, you know they wouldn't have let me go if I asked them. But I plan to go back home, so technically, it means I didn't run away?"

"You sneaked out? Eunchae, what if something happened to you?" Chaewon scolds her sister, sounding more worried than angry. "Not to mention that you'll get in so much trouble when they find out."

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