Chapter XIV

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Yunjin's incessant drumming of her fingers against the table is slowly starting to get on Sakura's nerves. They rarely eat their lunches at the stadium's canteen, but since the weather today is cold and dreary, no one felt like going out somewhere else to eat. A decision Sakura now starts to regret.

She glances at Yunjin from above her plate with curry rice and she can tell the blonde is just itching to bring up the topic of Minju. Her intense stare has been following Chaewon the entire training, and Sakura has no idea how come the midfielder hasn't noticed it yet.

Even now, the goalkeeper's eyes keep veering to Chaewon's face as she constantly shifts in her chair like she has ants in her shorts. Several times she approaches her salad with a fork only to drop it, leaving the food untouched on her plate. Finally, with a drawn out sigh, it seems like she has come to a decision.

"Chae, why you've never told me you dated a girl?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

Chaewon chokes on the water she's drinking.

"Excuse me?" She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, frowning.

"You've heard me. Why you've never mentioned Minji? I told you about my exes," Yunjin continues in her resentful tone.

"You mean Minju?" Chaewon asks, eyes veering to Sakura for a briefest second.

Sakura shrinks in her seat, wishing she could disappear.

She still wonders what on earth possessed her to tell Yunjin about Minju. It was completely out of character for her to breach her golden none of my business rule. No matter how desperate Yunjin seemed, she should have kept her mouth shut about it, and advised her to talk to Chaewon herself.

"Yeah, whatever. Why have you told Sakura about her but not me?"

"Told Sakura? But Sakura knows Minju," Chaewon states, further digging Sakura's grave.

"What? You know Minji?!" Yunjin's voice is so loud that their table instantly becomes the center of everyone's attention.

Sakura imagines some of their teammates would love to grab a bucket of popcorn right now.

"Minju," Chaewon mutters, crossing her arms as she stares at Sakura expectantly.

With the way her friends are looking at her, Sakura feels like she has just been cast as the main antagonist in some k-drama. Yunjin hurt and betrayed as though she has just found out Sakura killed her wife, and Chaewon all proud and smug as the one who revealed her to be the murderer.

Sakura sighs and drops her spoon into her plate, leaning back in her chair.

"The three of us met at a soccer camp when we were still in high school. That was when I first met Chaewon. But I thought you knew that already." She knows it's a douchebag move to shift the blame back to Chaewon, but that's honestly what she has assumed.

How could she possibly know that after almost two years of knowing each other, Yunjin still had no idea who Minju was? She's Chaewon's best friend. They're living together, for goodness' sake! And she's pretty damn sure they both have feelings for each other. It doesn't make the slightest sense!

"Okay now, that's beside the point," Chaewon quickly dismisses Sakura's words. "What I want to know is why you two have been talking about me behind my back?"

Sakura looks at Yunjin. Yunjin looks at Sakura. None of them willing to speak up. But they both know Chaewon won't let this go. So finally, the blonde does speak, after hanging her head in shame.

"I asked her if you were gay," she mutters.

"Why were you asking Sakura if I was gay?" Chaewon's confused gaze flits back and forth between them.

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