Bonus chapter - Vacation after the Meg.

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After the event with the Meg, you and Jonas immediately went to the closest airport and just chose somewhere you wanted to go away for a week from there.

As you drive from the airport after you landed, you find a hotel, and get a room. You find the room and set down your bags down. Jonas turns to you, takes your hand and goes to the terrace.

Looking out over the view Jonas embraces you from behind. You hold him and you both enjoy the view for a few minutes, listening to the waves splashing in, the birds singing and some people having fun in the distance.

"Can i take you out to dinner? A proper first date." Jonas asks you from behind you. You turn and wrap your hands around his neck. He looks down at you with a loving smile.

"I would love that." You tell him and he leans down to kiss your lips, but you lean away. "Uh-uh. That's the wrong order mister. I'm pretty sure you take me out on that dinner first and then you might, and only might, get lucky after." You smile mischievously, making him chuckle.

"Might? So, i have some expectations to live up to, huh?" He asks. You just shrug in answer. "And lucky after? How lucky might i get if i exceed these expectations?" He gives you a suggestive smirk.

You wink with a mischievous smile as you walk back into the room and over to your bag, you take out you swimsuit to change. But you watch as Jonas walks to the door.

"Where are you going? I thought we were going for a swim before we eat." You ask confused. You'd planned that when you saw the water from the taxi, driving to the hotel.

"You go have a swim, and then get ready after, dress nice. I have to go prepare for this date. I have expectations i need to reach, and hopefully exceed." He winks at you and walks out before your get the chance to tell him you were joking, because he wanted to make it nice. You laugh and go to change.

After you have a swim you walk back up to change into one of the nice dresses you brought. You choose a beige knee-length sating dress. After the shower you dry your hair and spray some salt seawater-spray in it. Some light and natural makeup later you change into you dress. As you're done and are about to text Jonas, someone knocks on the door.

You open the door, expecting a cleaning lady or something. But instead you're met with Jonas standing with a dazzling smile in a light brown chinos and a light beige linen shirt. As your eyes go back to his, you see his eyes are now turned down toward your dress and his smile is gone instead his is mouth slightly agape. His eyes go back to your face.

"You look beautiful Y/N, absolutely beautiful." His smile is back and his expression is one of admiration as he thinks about the fact that you are finally his.

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself." He reaches out his hand for your and you take it as you close the door after you. He walks you down the hall and into the elevator. "So, what's your plans?" You try to ask.

"Nope." He smiles not revealing anything.

"Not even a hint?" You ask turning your body toward him and giving him puppy eyes and a pouting underlip. He chuckles but doesn't look at you.


"What about how long until we're back here, huh?" You take his shirt in you hand turning his body toward your, he turns with your actions. "You know. I always love teasing you. And now. I have a whole new teasing way unlocked." You smile seductively and unbuttoned one more of his shirts button.

Your hand slides past his shirt and under to his exposed skin, you hand glides over his chest hair tickling your hand as you go further up to his neck. As you reach it you see Jonas swallowing thickly. You look up to meet his eyes and they are have darkened slightly with lust and desire. As you're about to bring his head closer to yours the elevator door opens.

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