#59-Riddle part

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This chapter is dedicated to zariazaheenbegum for her support for this book:)

1: Who earns a living without a day's work?
Ans: A night watchman.

2: Which two letters are bad for your teeth?
Ans: DK

3: I am slow to get started but really quite bright. I am thin and long and when you put me on, you see light. What am I?
Ans: A tube light

4: I jump but I'm not a kangaroo. I swim but I'm not a fish. I like rain but I'm not a peacock. I keep on singing but I'm not a musician. Then who am I?
Ans: A frog

5: What gets wetter the more it dries?
Ans: A towel.

So what do you think of this riddles chapter?
I will do more of it in the future:)

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