The Coaltion Factions Argue Over Who Got Screwed Over The Most

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In A Covenant CSO-class supercarrier Many Collation soldiers were going through out their day Combine Soldiers patrolling along side B2 Super Battle droids, Demon Hell Knights arm wrestling Beringel as others watching drinking and betting on who would win.

Others simply sat down waiting for Somthing interesting to happen. 

This was the case for a random Locust Drone and Elite who simply sat in the break room drinking some Coffee as they spoke to each other. 

"Nice ship you guys have." The Drone said 

"What." The Elite said not hearing him

"I said nice ship you got." The Drone said 

"Oh..yeah the CSO- Class Supercarrier the largest ships in the covenant navy, and most powerful weapon during the human covenant War." The Elite said with pride in his voice 

"You seem very proud of it." The Locust Drone responded 

"Of course these ships are some of the greatest ships in the coalition navy." The Elite said "These bad boys have been through hell and back."

"Okay i think thats enough gun riding for now." The Drone said 

"Oh yeah, your only saying that because the Locust dont have a navy of themselves." The elite said 

"Dude fuck you...atleast when we fought our foes it was over a good reason and not just a fucking lie." The Drone said 

"Eat shit asshole that wasnt our fault." The Elite said 

"Yeah yeah yeah." The Drone said 

The 2 were then silent for a moment before the Drone spoke. 

"Man i dont think theirs any who had it worse then the horde." The Drone said

"Yeah..." The Elite said before it clicked in on what he said "Wait what."

"Yeah im...we were only a recently developed society before the fucking lambent pandemic began and next thing we know were fighting a slowly loosing war for years which eventually forced us to invade the surface and fight humanity in a 2 front wars...which then homeland being flooded and..." The Drone said 

"Hold up hold up hold up." The Elite said shutting him up "You think you've had it worse."

" mean for the most part of our history we've been fighting a loosing war with a fucking Parasite then were winning a war humanity only to get fucking violated by 4 douchbags with more muscle then the entire human population what could be worse then that." The Drone asked 

"HA, try 28 year long fucking war with them followed immediately by your home city getting infected Parasite named the Flood, after learning everything you believed in was a lie." The Elite said 

"You was winning the war the entire time." The Drone said "Humanity was literally getting its ass kicked by you could that be worse then what we had to deal with."

"Well you realise everything you just did for...somewhere between Fuck and All and then you have this master Chief running and somehow single handily taking on every single Bloody allied force we send at him, all Of the human race was getting destroyed meanwhile this ass bag was takin on the the whole empire and winning." The Elite said

"Yeah same with us." The Drone argued "Except unlike you assholes we didnt get to just sit on ships and burn our enemies to dust no we had to fight the COG face to face over the course of years awhile the Lambent was slowly coming for our asses and then out of no where fuckin Delta squad coming at us destroying everything we've ever worked for undoing years of progress and killing our top commander." 

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