Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

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People all over Sioux Falls were rising from the dead.

I had taken a lot of days off of TJz because of some of the people that had been brought back.

At home, one of the phones on the wall started to ring. It was the one for the FBI, when a hunter needed to pose as a Agent to get the information they needed, and someone else needed confirmation.

I answered the phone. "Agent Mina speaking."

"Agent Mina, this is Sheriff Jody Mills... Ness?" 

I made a face, looking away. "Uh... excuse me?"

"Is this Ness Singer?" 

"Listen, I don't know who this is, but... this is Agent Mina Murray of the FBI."

"Bull crap. I've been to TJz enough to recognize the bartender's voice." I looked down. "FBI, huh?" 

Mills hung up.


After Sam and Dean had gotten busted by Mills, they showed up here at the house to talk to me and Dad.

"You know how many times we called?" Dean asked. "Where have you been?"

"Playing murderball," Dad told him sarcastically.

"Guys, seriously," Sam told u

I looked down, nodding. "We been working. You know, trying to find a way to stop the Devil."

"Find anything?" Dean asked.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"It's just... there's a case less than five miles from your house," Sam told us.

"What, the--the Benny Sutton thing?" I asked. "That's what this is about?"

"You knew about this?" Dean asked.

"Hell, yes," I answered. "I checked into it already. There's nothing here."

"Except a witness who saw a dead guy commit murder," Sam told us.

"What witness?" I asked. "Digger Wells?"

"Yeah," Dean answered. "So?"

"So, he's a drunk," I told them.

"Well, what about the lightning storms?" Sam asked. "They look like omens."

"Except in February in South Dakota, it's storm season," Dad told them. "Guys, we thought it was something, too. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

"So, who killed the guy?" Sam asked.

"Take your pick," Dad told them. "This Benny Sutton guy was a grade-a son of a bitch. There's a list of the living a year long who wouldn't mind putting a cap in his ass."

"So, you're telling us... nothing?" Dean asked.

"Sorry," Dad told them. "Looks like you wasted a tank of gas on this one."

Dean sighed. "Great."

I didn't like lying to them, but...

This was so much more than it looked like.


Sam and Dean had stuck around, finding Clay Thompson, the dead guy risen from the grave who killed Benny Sutton. Sheriff Mills had arrested them before they could kill Clay.

Livelyhood / Book Four / The Life Series / SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now