Cindy Lou Who pt.2 - Sabrina Carpenter

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Summary: a certain sturniolo reaches out after months of no connection. However, it's not who you think it is.
Warnings: no warnings cause I'm keeping it a secret but I will say it's not really Matt x reader 🤭

Y/n's POV

The Christmas year was rolling to an end thankfully, the new year just around the corner. Christmas hadn't been the same this year. I felt alone and slightly miserable. Every time I tried to laugh or to smile or have a good time, I was just hit with the memory of the video I saw a few days ago. The one of Matt and his new girl.

It was even worse when some of my friends mentioned that they were invited to the wedding in a few months. They weren't going to attend out of respect on my behalf. I was thankful of that but I did say that they were hers and his friends and if they wanted to attend they could. It wanted to say that it wouldn't bother me or I didn't care but that would be a terrible lie and I did care.

I cared so much that the thought of my friends wanting to attend made my physically ill.

No one spoke about it for the rest of the party. And then the New Year's Eve party was being thrown at a mansion rented out by Madi Filipowicz. She invited me and told me to bring a plus one. To show Matt I didn't need him and I was happy without him. I didn't bring a plus one. I invited my friend Kat. Kat was funny and always down for anything. We got all dressed up and for once thinking about Matt and his fiancé didn't hurt me. I knew I would see them together tonight, but for some reason Kat really made it all go away. The anxieties I was forced to face tonight felt miniscule compared to her presence in my life.

We wore matching sparkly dresses and complimenting shoes. Similar hairstyle and similar style of jewelry. We were going all out tonight. I was hoping that there would be champagne or something to drink there. I wasn't much of a drinker when I was with Matt, he never approved of it but now I'm my own person.

Kat and I got into her car and drove down to the beach where Madi had rented out a mansion for all her closest friends. A lot of people were invited including mutuals of the Sturniolo Triplets. Such as Landon Cube, the owner of Ransom, Johnny, and a few other friends of theirs. I didn't actually know who was going to be coming tonight so I just let every person surprise me.

We arrived at nine and said our hellos to friends and people we passed. I smiled politely at Nick and Chris and ignored Matt and his girl, who was no where to be seen for half the night from what I was told.

A little closer to ten I found myself alone on the couch. I was listening to the music that was playing everywhere on speakers. The party was a lot more formal than any other party I had been to before. Less casual of an event. I admired the way people dressed for the occasion and the constant chatter surrounding me. Normally I would have been in a panic but I had a small amount of champagne earlier when I arrived which I used to help calm my nerves. I wouldn't drink again until midnight tonight with the incoming new year.

I felt movement beside me. I glanced over thinking nothing of it. Then did a double take when I realized it was a Sturniolo triplet. I had thought it was Matt until I saw him smile and I realized it in fact was Chris. I didn't know what to say, it felt like there were no words right for a moment like this. Moments when your ex boyfriends brother comes over out of the blue. Who knows what he's going to say.

"How are you?" is all he says for a starting conversation. "I'm alright." he nods. "How are you really?" Chris was always more forward than Matt was. Always having something to say, needing something to do. He was blunt and I liked that. "Honestly not too good. It hurts a little when you've been dating someone for a long time and then find out he hasn't been loyal, and now he's getting married only after being apart for three months. It doesn't feel good."

Chris smile falters as he looks back out over the ocean. A giant window was placed conveniently in front of the couch. A beautiful ocean view in front of us. The sun having set long ago, but the view of a city on the horizon with it's lights aglow. It was the picture perfect view. "I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault," Chris shakes his head. "It really is my fault." I didn't know what he meant by that so I stared at him quizzically. "I just mean that I could have prevented everything that happened between you and Matt. It shouldn't have happened like that at all." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. It hurt knowing that he knew he could have done something to keep us from ending so tragically but instead just let it all unfold like that. He was supposed to be my best friend.


"You look beautiful tonight." He admires me from head to toe. "Thank you. Chris are you drunk?"

"Not even a little. There's some apple juice over there. It's so good." he smiles. I nodded. Chris may be very forward and blunt with his words, but there were times where he hated speaking. Most of the times it involved how he was feeling. "How could you have stopped it Chris?" I asked leaning in closer. The party music stopped and the television behind us was turned up. "Final count down to the New Year!" someone called out. Chris took my hand in his and pulled me up from the couch.


"I could have done a lot of things to prevent you and Matt breaking up."


"Like what?"


"Like not letting you get together in the first place!" Chris shouts over the music. But that doesn't make any sense. "7!"

"You were the one who thought Matt and I would be good together!"


"I lied. There's someone you'd look way better with." He responds back. He's holding me close to him and staring deep into my eyes. Thanks to my heels we're almost the same height. "5!"



"Who are you talking about Chris?" His hands slide down over my waist and pull me closer to him. "be quiet."


"Don't tell me to be quiet, just tell me who you're talking about!"

"2!" Chris glances from my eyes to my lips and just as they call out the last number, "Me..."

"1, Happy New Year!" he presses his lips against mine softly. There's an emotion in there that I knew was love. Longing. He had wanted this for such a long time and I could feel it. I could remember all the looks that he'd send Matt and I when we'd kiss or hug. He'd roll his eyes or make a face. I always just thought it was the normal Chris characteristic of hating his brothers show affection. But in reality, it must have just been jealousy.

When we pull away from the Chris which was probably like ten seconds long. I make direct eye contact with Matt. Once he realizes I've spotted him in the crowed, he turns around and disappears. I look back to Chris who's staring at me in worry. "Are you okay, I know that was fucking stupid of me to do but I've been in love with you since we met and Madi's birthday party all those years ago. I know I should have said something sooner but then Matt told me how much he liked you and I just wanted you to be happy. I want him to be happy too and I was like well they can just be happy together then-"

I shut him up with another kiss. We don't care about the party going on around us. I feel like we're the only people in the world. "It's okay." I breathe against his lips. "Why don't we go upstairs." Chris nods and together we walk upstairs.


Happy day 3 TBH I almost forgot to do this so yeah yeah yeah publishing RN as we speak! Who's excited for pre-filmed videos cause IK I sure am. I'm glad there getting their shit done like this. It probably feels like a weight has been lifted off their shoulder and they could pretty much take a month long break.

I know for a fact we're all pretty worried, I don't wanna start drama or cause problems or anything like that I'm just a little worried their starting to think of YT as more of a job than a career so I'm glad they're taking a small step back for the month.

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