A Bomb

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Summary: Your first response when Chris asks you a question for one of their car videos.
Warnings: Use/description of weaponry, mild language, usual Sturniolo car video shenanigans. please let me know what video this is if you know, i'm to tired to go searching for it.

Y/n's POV

it was any usual other day. typically the boys didn't really ask people to join in on their car video making, it was literally their thing. it was their own creation the same way sam & colby had created ghost hunting and exploring. everyone had their own little thing that made their youtube account special. i never asked to hang out with them on these nights, but this was an unprompted video. and nick had panicked and matt was my ride home. so we all piled into the car and stopped at a gas station for some snacks and drinks. i had chosen my favorite candies and a pepsi because chris hadn't gotten anything to drink and i knew he'd be complaining later on about drinking someone elses drink. 'can i have a sip please?' with those batty eye lashes and bright blue eyes. he was annoying in a good way. i payed for my own stuff and we left. chris grumbling about how he should have bought my snacks for me. like i said, annoying. but it was sweet at the same time.

chris and i have only been dating for a few weeks now and everything was great. i had a decent amount of situationships in the past, but chris was my first ever real boyfriend. we decided taking things really slow was the best option. we kept our relationship a secret from his fans until our six month mark, which was three weeks ago. and chris and i finally agreed to put in effort into this relationship. we were boyfriend and girlfriend at 7:15 PM and luckily there haven't been anything wrong. still in the honeymoon phase which i hoped to be in forever.

matt drove around the corner and came to their usual parking spot. matt set  up the camera and they started on their intro. it was a funny video, listening to the boys scream at each other. it was also my first youtube video with chris where we were official. i hadn't really been in any of their videos in the past few weeks. just as an extra precaution, even though his fans seemed okay with me. i had been their friend for a long time.

"wait i have a question!" chris exclaims. his hand let go of mine as her threw them up to cover his face in shock. i was sitting behind him, almost hiding in a way that wasn't noticeable. his arm was dropped behind the seat so we could hold hands. matt and nick luckily hadn't made fun of us or i'd would have been so embarrassed. not to show chris affection or anything, i just don't want to be the reason their views or likes or whatever goes down because people are mean and start hating on chris for being in a relationship.

(minor side note, if any of the boys get into a relationship (extending to nate and madi) leave them alone. i know if you were in their spot you wouldn't want a bunch of 15 year olds getting jealous of you being with your man. and making rude remarks about you. and if you do, i better not find out because i will come for you... it's not cute or attractive to be a bitch. and they will not give you the attention you think it'll attract. they will dislike you. anyway..)

"what?" nick asks looking over at me with irritation evident in his eyes. he was being playful fo course, but chris hasn't been able to shut his mouth in the past five minutes. always needs to be saying something i swear. i smirked back holding in my laughter as much as possible. they're just so silly. "if you wanted to injure the most amount of people, what is one thing you would use. like only one thing and it has to fit in your hand." the trio started listing off multiple different things. nails being one of the most liked objects so far. they could spread out, sometimes if they have diseases on them like used and rusty nails, that could make it even worse.

"oh i have one!" i spoke up, unfortunately not being noticed by anyone. i ignored them and continued to say my answer without even thinking, "a bomb." to me, it sounded like the most obvious answer. maybe people will die more than be injured. the three brothers froze around me and i immediately knew i had said something wrong. "woah."


"what? you asked a question.. i answered it... it's a great answer." i groaned back. "i'm gonna get cancelled aren't i?" i pouted. i barely was on social media, just reposting my boyfriend or my friends whenever the chance arose. i didn't think my first time (honestly) being canceled was going to because of a stupid question from chris. "i just didn't think you were going to be so dark."

"what? he said nails! that's so stupid. and you wanted something that could fit in your hand. bombs fit in hands."


"I'm sorry okay!"


if this makes you uncomfortable just let me know, because a bomb was genuinely my first response to chris's question. but yeah don't take this to heart, no one's physically going to be using it on anyone.  it's just a little joke ok... :)

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