The Gift

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Summary: In which you receive the best christmas gift ever
Warnings: none

Y/n's POV

Matt and I were celebrating our first Christmas together. We sat in his cabin themed bedroom together as we exchanged gifts privately. Our relationship was definitely not a secret, we just enjoyed having these little moments alone together. I had jokingly gifted him a gold sequin Liam Neeson throw pillow (you know the ones that can change the pictures?) And then I gave him his real gift. It wasn't anything all that spectacular, just a new bottle of his favorite cologne he ran out of and some new shoes I had decorated for him. He liked personalized stuff. It gives it more character and makes it unique. "Aww baby I love it." He raises the shoes up so he can look at it all over. It was a simple airforce with a pretty baby blue color added on the bottom of the shoe and as decoration to the designs. There was a small gold charm on each of the laces with my initial on both shoes. "Okay, okay! Now what'd you get me!" I push his hands down so I could look at his handsome face. 

For the past two months he's been gloating and teasing me about how 'awesome' hist gift is gonna be. Teasing and makes jokes about it knowing I wouldn't understand. I had tried to trick Nick and Chris into telling me what it is but neither of them cracked. I had even gone as far as searching his room for it. But after a conversation I overheard between Nick and Matt, it's been hiding in Nick's room the whole time because Matt knew I would look for it. Matt just scoffs at me and rolls his eyes. "So impatient."

"C'mon! You've been teasing me for months now Matthew. I wanna see it!" (why does this sound so sexual???!?) Matt shifts and pulls a black velvet box from his back pocket where he's been keeping it hidden from me all night. I narrow my eyes at him as he hands the box over to me. "Go ahead, open it baby." Matt nods with a small smile.

I look away and down at the small box in my hand. I take the lid off gently and inside was a simple silver chain with a horse attached to one end. Identical to the one Matt always wore. I gasped as I pulled the dainty necklace from the box. It dangled in the air between our faces. "Do you like it?" Matt asks and I nod, in shock. It was shiny and  small and so fucking adorable. "I love it."

"I saw it in a store a few months ago and thought about how closely it resembled mine. I know I go back home to LA a lot and I thought you'd want to have something a little more special than just a hoodie." Matt shrugs. "Do you want to put it on?" matt asks and I nod. I pull my hair away from my neck and hand the jewelry over to Matt. I turn and face the wall. The cold silver chain swoops around me and then gradually resides on my chest. It wasn't an incredibly long necklace. The chain was short than no matter what shirt I wore you'd probably see it. A reminder of who I belong to, of who I love. I hold the silver horse in my palm as the Matt clips it in place. As soon as I does I turn around and watch him. He glances between my eyes and the horse around my neck. It's incredibly sweet that something that means so much to him, he'd want to gift me one just like it.

I always talk about how much I love the necklace. How the chain dances in the light like a diamond. The steady rise and fall as he breathes. When he's wearing another chain and they clank together like a melody. "It looks really good on you." he compliments and I blush. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a long and slightly messy kiss. It was sweet and gentle and loving. I hold his face in my hands. "C'mon, let's go show it off them." He whispers against my lips and I giggle. We pull away from each other and Matt stands up, taking my hand in his. He pulls me out of his bedroom and downstairs to where the rest of his family was waiting.

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