87 (Bonus chapter)

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"We received your emergency, what's the status of your patient- what the hell happened?" A doctor slapped on gloves, shooting questions at Bruno as he drove up.

"You might want to take a breath before you look in there." Bruno felt lightheaded and leaned on the side. "A lunatic attacked us."

"How many injured?" The doctor asked.

"Two." He collapsed on the ground, all a show but believable.

"Two stretchers here please and someone attend to him. We have two patients inside this ambulance and I'm sure what we're about to see is ugly." The doctor pulled the doors open, some nurses gasped at the sight.

There was blood splattered everywhere, the driver and his assistant were still unconscious.

"Let's move in guys." The doctor checked the assistant first, "There's a very weak pulse and no exit wound, prep an OR and page Doctor Raoul."

A nurse ran inside while two other carefully moved her on the stretcher, there were others who started pumping fluids into her as they ran into the hospital.

"There are two exit wounds and he's lost a lot of blood. Take him to the second OR, I'll be joining you, get some blood from the blood bank." The doctor spared a glance at Bruno. "Someone will attend to you but a statement will be required from you later."

He was escorted into the hospital by two nurses immediately after, he got new stitches and was told to rest until the police arrived to take his statement.

He pretended to be asleep, regulating his breathing till the nurses left his side. Five minutes later he was up, discarding his bloody clothes, and picking up a nurses uniform close to where he'd picked one the last time he was here.

He avoided the last room where he had encountered Danielle, he was in no mood for any surprises.

"What a surprise." Danielle smiled, eyeing the uniform he had on. She'd walked into the room where he had changed. "This is the second time I've seen you in that uniform, I'm inclined to believe you're not actually a doctor."

"You caught me." Bruno lifted his hands, "I played doctor the other time, hope I won't get written up for that silly mistake."

"Of course not." She unbuttoned her lab coat. "I'll admit I did look for you several times during my shift but you were a ghost."

"I didn't know I left an impression." Bruno was an attractive man with short brown hair that he ruffled two to three times every hour, his face was smooth; he had never managed to grow a beard and that gave him a permanent baby look that favored him on most days when he needed to slip out of tricky situations.

"What happened here?" She tapped her forehead.

"Center table." He held an ID, slapping it on his palm, thankfully someone had graciously forgotten it in the pocket.

"Is there a story there?" She moved so he could walk past her and out of the door.

"Maybe if I see you around later, we can share stories." He threw in an offer.

"Definitely, as long as you don't run off."

"I'll try not to." Bruno grimaced once she was out of sight, she'd wasted his precious time and now he had to map out the place before the police showed up.

"Hey." He called a passing nurse's attention to the bloodied clothes in his hand. "Do I discard this or will the forensics team need it?"

"Is that from the freak attack in the ambulance?" The nurse asked, shaking her head. "I think the forensics teams might want to have a go, their department is on the next floor."

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