𝟏. 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫 {𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧}

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Grace shepherd stood in the locker room. It was her first day at Seattle grace mercy west. She knew his her brother was an attending there and her twin sister was also a resident. Grace however decided to take her internship at mercy west that was until the merger

Grace stood in the locker room as she stood changing

"Oh, hey. You can't put that in there. " a blonde said to Reed

"Oh, they told us to grab a cubby. "Reed said

" Yeah, I know. It's just ... We keep it empty for a reason. Can you just take your stuff out? There are some empty ones over there you can use" blondie said

"I don't think so. "

"Reed just dint cause a drama" Grace said

"Can you just...I said take it out! "

" Great. I got the crazy one next to me. " reed said to April as grace rolled her eyes

"Oh, you want to fight? 'Cause I will. "

Alex walks in, just in time to pull a struggling Izzie away from Reed, who smiles amused.

"Izzie. Iz. " alex said

"I will fight you. You're pretty tiny. Come on. Come on. I could take you down in just a couple of seconds. " Izzie said

" Come on. Stop" alex said as he dragged her off as grace landed to Jackson and sighed

"This isn't going to go well" Grace said as he looked to her and nodded


Derek and Owen are in the ER, which is crowded now that the Mercy West ER closed down.

"Is this overflow from mercy west? " derek asked

"Yeah, their ... their E.R. Closed for good last night. Everyone's coming over here. Another one of the perks from the merger. " owen said as Callie who is now an attending, comes over too.

"Ah, our new attending. " Derek said

"Hey. First day back?" Owen said

" Yeah. "

" You picked a good one. It's nice and quiet. Not a lot going on. " owen said

"Yeah. Thank you. " callie said as Derek and Callie move to their patients as the residents arrive in the ER too.

"You should be nice to those new residents your related to one of them" Derek heard a voice say. He turned around and smirked as he saw his sister Grace and walked over to her and hugged her

"What are you doing here" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"Merger duh" she said as he laughed

"It's good to see you. Why did you tell me that you were coming here or beth. You tell Beth everything" he said as grace looked to her brother and smiled

"Well what good will that be I mean how can I surprise you both like this the look on your face was priceless" she said as derek smiled

𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 {𝘑.𝘈𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺}Where stories live. Discover now