𝟏𝟎. 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 {𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐤, 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫}

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Grace walked down the hallway outside of the chiefs office with Jackson and april as they saw Meredith

"what's going on" Grace asked

"Is that thomas evans from baylor?" Jackson asked

"Yes, but don't get too excited. He's only here for one case" Meredith said "Oh, are you sure? Because I overheard Chief Shepherd discussing the fact That Dr. Altman doesn't have a permanent contract. So it would actually be a really genius move on the chief's part To go in and seize that opportunity to ..." april said

"oh, here we go again" Jackson said as grace chuckled

"What?" Meredith asked

"Shut up" April said

"She thinks your husband walks on water" Grace said

"I don't. I don't. I, um ... No, I'm ... I mean, it's ... it's a professional thing. It's, um ... It's a mentor thing. He's ... he's just my mentor Because he's ... he's married ... to you. And you guys are ... are so great And, um, together ... together as a married couple, And you ... you ... you are so great" April rambled

"Wow" Jackson said

"I, um, I do ... I do think that your husband is brilliant, But I'm ... I'm sure that you think that, too, so ..."April said

"That's right" Jackson said.

"Okay. That, um ... Thank you" april Said as she walked off as grace tried not to laugh as Jackson placed an arm around her as Meredith looked to them and frowned 

"what just happened" Meredith asked

"april is in love with your husband that's all let's hope it's not a repeat of the you, addison and his situation. I mean I love my brother but I do think only one intern is enough for him" Grace said as Jackson placed a hand over her mouth knowing that she had no filter

"she's winding you up, come on" Jackson said as he lead her off

Grace looked to him and smirked as she walked down the hallway

"So I heard Beth was at marks apartment and she delivered Sloans kid" Jackson said as grace looked to him and frowned knowing that this was the first that she had heard over

"She was?" Grace asked

Grace walked over to Beth as she stood at the nurses station "so apparently you were at marks and delievered Sloan kid last night. Do I need to be worried over you and why you were at you at your ex boyfriends especially after all that he did to you and with all you have been through?" Grace asked as Beth looked to her and sighed

"You don't need to worry over me. I know what I have been through trust me I have lived it. I know but I also know I don't need mark Sloan to survive I know I can move on and I can be happy. I just went to talk it's part of my recovery. My therapist says it helps. I wanted to clear the air and then she went into labour. It was crazy and it happened but there's no reason to worry" Beth said as grace looked to her and nodded

"I know it's like I am suffocating you but I'm not trying too. You are my twin and when I saw you in Derek's arms fighting for your life part of me broke. I was thinking over life without you twin and it scared me. This hasn't been easy for any of us" Grace said as Beth looked to her and smiled

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