𝟒. 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐝 {𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲}

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Grace stood walking down the hallway of the hospital. She stood with her coffee and looked to see Jackson "hey" she said as he ignored her as he caught up to Cristina as gracefully drained to herself feeling rather insulted

"Cristina. Dr. Yang. " he said

" Dr. Avery. "

"Look, okay, about the kiss ... " Jackson said as grace raised an eyebrow at the comment

"Kiss, what kiss? There was no kiss. I don't know what you're talking about. " Cristina said

"So do you have a boyfriend or ..."

"Never gonna happen. "

"Got it. Thanks. " Jackson said as Cristina meets up with Owen.

" Hey, you paged us. " jackson said

"Oh, I paged you. One second, Dr. Avery.  Dr shepherd" Owen said as he lead Cristina off as grace looked to Jackson and raised an eyebrow

"Don't" he said

"What I didn't say a thing" she said

"You dont have to. I know they look grace"

"You and Yang really on what planet are you on. You kissed her really?" Grace said as he looked to her and groaned

"Don't I am already mortified enough" he said as Beth joined them

"Hey what's going on" Beth asked as she joined her twi

"Jackson tried to put the moves on Yang" Grace said as Beth groaned

"Ew. You could do better" Beth said as Jackson groaned

"You two are awful do you know that" Jackson said as grace shrugged

"So we have been told" Beth said as grace glanced to her twin and smirked

"She's not wrong" Grace said

"Come on Gracie. We're working together" Jackson said

"Well only if you can keep your hands off of Yang long enough" Grace said as Beth laughed as grace walked off after Jackson to introduce themselves to the new cardio surgeons

"Nice to meet you. Jackson Avery" Jackson said

"Teddy Altman. " teddy said

"Grace shepherd" Grace said

"Teddy Altman. I ... I've never heard of you. Cristina Yang." Cristina said as grace rolled her eyes

"I ... I've never heard of you either. So I guess that makes us even. " teddy said

" Teddy and I, we served in Iraq together, and she's gonna be joining us for a little while. Okay. Come on, I'll introduce you to the chief" owen said

" Oh, great." Teddy said as they walked off as grace and Jackson laughed at the look on Cristina face

"Oh shut up both of you" Cristina said as she walked off

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