𝟏𝟓. 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 {𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤}

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Grace knew that she couldn't stop thinking over what happened with Jackson. She knew how they had kissed and how he was in her mind. She didn't know what to think. All that she knew was that he had been her friend for so long and that moment that she kissed him it had changed everything. Grace knew how he had been her rock lately. Her brother was shot and he was there.

Her twin sister tried to commit suicide and he was the one there and the one helping her keep it together. Grace knew how it was and how complicated it was and even though she was with Alex she couldn't stop thinking over Jackson

Grace got dressed and walked into the kitchen as she saw Beth and smirked "I take it that you and mark were having legs of engaged sex last night. You really are happy aren't you" Grace asked as Beth looked to her and smiled

"I am. I know what he has done and I know how he has had mistakes but it feels so real with him. I feel as if now we are meant to be happy and that everything happens for a reason you know" Beth said as grace looked to her and frowned

"You think?" Grace asked as Beth looked to her sister and nodded

"I do. Are you okay? You seem off is it Alex" Beth asked. Grace looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay" Grace said as Beth looked to her twin and frowned. She knew Grace better than anyone else and she knew how she was not okay and she didn't want her to end up like she had

"Hey I am your sister and whatever it is. I'm here for you and your not alone" Beth said as Grace looked her and smiled


Amelia Shepherd walks up to the nurse's station.

"Where could I find Dr. Shepherd? "

"You have an appointment? "

"I don't. Uh, could you just point me in the direction of his office?" She asked

The nurse doesn't respond and Mark comes over.

" I'm sorry. She has that look on her face because the last time someone walked into this hospital looking for Dr. Shepherd without an appointment, he shot him. " mark said

"Mark!" Amelia said as she hugs him.

"Oh. Oh, my God! "

" Hi, Amy." Mark said

"You still look hot. "

"And you, uh, look a lot more grown-up than when I last saw you." Mark said

"You can say "hot, " you know? 'Cause I am. I'm hot. " Amelia said

" No, I can't, because in my mind, you're still Derek's 12-year-old sister. Huh. Besides in almost a married man. So what are you doing in Seattle? " mark asked

"Until she tried to kill herself again" Amelia said

"Don't speak about Beth that way. She's been through a lot" mark said

"Uh, Derek's an ass who won't return my calls. Derek's an ass who got shot and won't return my calls, so I brought him a present or a bribe or a peace offering. Whatever. I brought him that.

𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 {𝘑.𝘈𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺}Where stories live. Discover now