𝟕. "𝐈𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐞" {𝐏𝐮𝐬𝐡}

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Grace stood at the nurses station with Alex and looked to see Jackson as he waked over. She turned to face him and frowned

"so um.. this patient ... I can't find the heartbeat" Jackson said

"So call the morgue, 40-watt" alex said

"He's not dead. He's sitting up. He's talking" Jackson said

"Dude, you're lucky you have a famous last name" alex said

"so do I. Leave him alone" grace said as she walked into the patient room with Jackson as she started to examine the patient

"When he was 9, they removed his right lung" Jackson said

"And now the other one's crapping out on me" the patient Todd said

"Or maybe you're having an anxiety attack Because I just asked you to move in with me" the patients girlfriend said

"I can't find his heart" Grace said

"Oh, yeah? Me neither" the girlfriend said as Grace narrowed her eyes at her

"No, I really can't" Esmè grace

"So who's the 40-watt now?" Jackson said

"alex called you thst not me and im your best friend learn to be nice" grace said as they held a look

"I can't ... I can't ... oh" the patient said as he fell back

"whoa. Get a stat chest x-ray and page cardio" grace said


"There she is ... By your kidney" Teddy said as she checked out the patient "My heart is by my kidney?" Todd asked

"That's why it was hard to hear your heartbeat" Jackson said

"And without a second lung in your chest cavity, Your heart sort of drifted. It's called post-pneumonectomy syndrome. And the shifting caused some bronchial compression. That's why you weren't able to breathe" Teddy said

"I'm the biggest bitch in the world" the girlfriend said

"Can you put it back where it goes?" Todd asked

"Yes, we're gonna use saline implants in your chest To keep it in place" Teddy said.

"Implants? Like what they use for ..." the girlfriend asked

"fake boobs" Jackson said as grace gave him a look.

"You want to put ... I can't have ... No. We're ... I ... I'm a guy. Okay? I'm a guy's guy" Todd said as grace rolled her eyes at the stubbornness of it

"Well, you won't actually see them" Teddy said

"Yeah, but still. I mean, come on, man. You know what I'm saying. I mean, how am I supposed to, you know ..." Todd said

"what? Pick up women? You mean how do you explain your boobs To the next chick who's dumb enough to date you?" The girlfriend said as she walked off

𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 {𝘑.𝘈𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺}Where stories live. Discover now