Next lesson is PE.I , once again, walk to PE with Chris. When we finally get there, I choose a locker and put my stuff in it. I grab my bright pink tank top and take my belly top off and slip the tank top on ,while staring into the corner trying to not draw attention to myself because I am flat chested and pale.Quickly I put my hair in a ponytail and walk out onto the field.
"My name is Coach Amar!lets get started by running laps round the track 10 times! GO!"
I sprint as fast as I can and I'm in front of everyone, even the boys! Then someone catches up to me. Four.
"So someone else can run?" I say
"Yeah I practise everyday." He says still running. Slowly I start to get faster then I'm I front again the her takes over by going on the inside.1lap done , he's in front. 2 laps, I'm infront.
3 laps he's infront. 4th I'm infront . 5th he's infront. 6th I'm in front. 7th he's infront. And in the end I win!!😄 I smile to myself.
"Well done."he says kindly
"Thank you!" I say happily.
"Right give me 20 on the ground now!"
I'm not that good at push-ups put apparently I'm better than everyone else.
"Tris, Four up here and show then how to do push-ups!" Me and Four both do then then Coach Amar says "Tris get on Four's back!" I look at four and he nods so I carefully sit on his back ,he winces when I do so.
"Sorry." I whisper
"No it's fine" he replies
He starts doing the push-ups when I feel dizzy. Spots dance across my vision and I fall ofF of Four's back. The last thing I see is Chris and the gang running over to me. Then I blackout.

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