When I get to school I stand outside the gates and look carefully at the school. I can't wait. I say to myself sarcastically.
I walk through the the gates and the doors. Then I walk quickly to the office . When I get there a lady sits at the desk typing away on her computer.
"Hello" I say quietly
"What are you looking for?" she says sternly
"Sorry to bother you but I would like my schedule please?"
"Name?" She asks
"Beatrice Prior."
"Here you go, this is your schedule, locker number and key."she says while sighing
"Thanks!" I say walking away.
Well she was happy! Not.
I stop for a moment to look at my schedule it reads:
Beatrice Prior
1st Homeroom
2nd English
3rd science
4th DT
5th Music
6th maths
7th PE
8th Free Period
I walk along the hallways not really looking where I was going and bump into someone. She has mocha skin, brown eyes , black hair and is quite tall. Actually very pretty!
"Thank you!" She says. I stare at her confused.
"You thought out loud."
"Ohh." I say "sorry for bumping into you! I'm such a Klutz!!" I say sighing
"Oh no it's fine! Are you new? I haven't seen you here before."
"Yeah I'm new."
"What's your name?" I think for a little while before saying
"Christina!Let me see your schedule!!" She squeals. Oh god. "You have the same classes as me!! Do you want to sit with my friends at lunch?" She asks. I nod my head smiling she squeals again.
"Umm can you show me where my locker is please?"
"What number?"
"Your right next to mine! Follow me!" I nod and walk slowly behind her.

After a long trek down the corridors I find my locker. I open it and put my books and stuff in it.once I sorted my locker out me and Christina walk to Homeroom together.
When we walk in I sit in a seat next to her and we chat for a while. Suddenly a boy with brown hair and stormy blue eyes walks in. I stare at him . I remember him from somewhere! While staring at him I look into his eyes getting lost in them and him doing the same. Then he breaks it by walking to a seat in the back of the classroom.

At last the teacher walks in and stands at the front of the classroom.
"Hello my name is Mrs Wu but you can call me Tori! Now I believe we have a new member in our class so if you would like to introduce yourself please stand up."I stand
" Hi my name is Tris and I like singing and dancing.In sports I do cheerleading, swimming and play football, basket ball, netball , hockey, athletics, track and cricket." Everyone's mouths drop open. I sit back down quietly and Tori takes the register.

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