The next day I woke up excitedly and walked to my wardrobe. I chose a knee-length dress that was black and teal with a sweetheart neckline. I went to my mirror and grabbed the mascara, pink lip gloss, and silver eyeshadow. I apply these very carefully and curl my hair. Then walk downstairs . My house , once again, is empty because my parents went to California for a business trip and my brother.. Well let's not talk about him.
I grabbed my school bag and banana and rushed out the door and started walking to school.

When I got there I saw Four leaning against , what I assume is , his car. He starts walking towards me and says
" Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"Yeah, sure! What time?" I say trying not to sound too excited
"Six? Um and I'll pick you up." He says
"Yeah that would be great! What's your phone number?"
"01252 466124. And what's your address?" He asks
"6 Abnegation Street."
" Thanks!" He says and walked away

The classes before lunch went by really quickly so now it's lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and stand in the que to get my lunch. When I get to the front I order a chicken salad and walk over to the table where Chris is sitting.
"Hey." I say
"What's up?" She says
"Oh nothing" I reply
"There is something. I know there is."
"Oh okay. I can't hold it any longer"
"What is it!" She asks exitedly
"I've got a date with Four!" I squeal
"Really?" She asks excited
"Yes!"I exclaim
"Good for you!" She says
"So I was wondering if you would come round mine and do my hair and makeup?" I ask hopefully
"Yeah that would be great!" She squeals
"Okay so could you come about half 4?"
"Yeah sure!" She says and I sigh of relief. After that we just sit and eat lunch and chat about stuff.

The rest of the day flies by and I walk home again. About an hour later Chrissy arrives.

"Hey! She says
"Hi." I say
"Let's get started!" She says excitedly and I lead her to my room. Her mouth opens when the door opens. She gawks at the size of my room and I just laugh.
"Shut your mouth or your gonna catch flies!" I say laughing. She shuts her mouth immediately and walks over to my wardrobe.
"So I'm thinking: hot but not slutty, and fancy but not too fancy."
"Yeah. Sounds cool." She starts digging through my wardrobe trying to find a dress and then pulls her head out. I smile at the dress she picked it's red and a fishtail type style. I slip the dress on and she nods her head. I look at myself in the mirror. The material hugs my body perfectly making it look like I have beautiful curves and bigger cleavage. I smile at myself and look at Chrissy ,her smile is so big it could light up the whole of New York. She hands me sparkly, black 5" heels and I slip them on carefully. She leads me over to the dressing table and pulls out a blood red lipstick and applies it carefully. She then gets the right makeup for a smokey eye and applies that aswell. She braids my hair into a side fishtail plat
and spins me around. I look beautiful!
"Thank you so much Chris" I say gratefully
"Anytime!" She says excitedly. Then the doorbell rings. I practically run to the door to find Four standing there. He is wearing a tux and has a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I take them gratefully.
"Hello m'lady." He says
"Hi." I say happily
"Shall we?" He asks
"We shall!" I reply

Hi guys! I updated!!!! Yay! Um so yeah sorry for not updating but I was busy for school as always and completely lost track! Sorry. Hope you forgive me!
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Luv u guys! Holly xx

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