


My eyes open. Another morning. 

All at once the memories come back. My date with Four.

The memories come back.

My eyes turn to the window. And there he is.

"Tris!" he shouts gleefully.

"Four..." I mouth to the window. What great timing.

My heart warms in delight. He's here.

Smoothly, I glide to the window with a smile. I open it.

"I'm sorry, I-I just woke up, I'm such a mess-"

"What mess? I see no mess. Wait, you mean your beauty?" He laughs.

Oh how I missed that laugh.

"What brings you here? at this time in the morning?" I ask, confused.

He erupts in laughter. "I live next door."

I laugh, "Ha ha, very funny. Now why did you come here?"

"I do live here!"

"Really," I give him a hard look.

"Really," he replies.

The world blurs. He lives next to me?! I swear life can't get any better.

"Well can you let me, you know, get dressed?" My cheeks burn.

I don't need to ask twice. He hurried back down the tree and turns his back to the house.

I rush to my mirror. I wear a casual navy tee and galaxy leggings. I decide, for a change, to wear my hair in a messy bun. I also apply pale red lipstick and a little bit of mascara and blush.

I think I look great.

"Finished!" I shout out of the window.

He turns back and stops, taking in my presence.

"Woah,"he said awed 

"What?" I ask questionably 

"You look amazing!" 

"Thanks," I reply blushing. I open the window and he climbs in cautiously. 

"Nice room." He says 

"Thanks" I say again. I look at his outfit and damn he looks HOT. He's wearing a black t-shirt  that shows off his muscles and a pair of dark blue ,denim trousers. I look down at his shoes the're Nike Air Max's that are white ,blue and black and match his outfit perfectly.

"Like what you see?" He asks cockily

"Nah, I think I could do a lot better," I say smiling.

" You gonna regret ever saying that," he whispers in my ear smirking. Suddenly he lifts me up and puts me in his shoulder. I screech. 

" Put me down!" I scream, pounding my fists on his back.

"No can do Princess!" 

 It's no use!  I think to myself. I slump on his shoulders and close my eyes. He imedietly puts me down.

" Tris! Are you alright?" He asks scared. I don't move and he goes to the kitchen. I take the chance to run off of the sofa and hide behind it. I hear him walk into the room.

" Tris?" He asks slightly confused. I try not to laugh but fail miserably. " Tris? Where are you?" His footsteps get closer so I take the chance and stand up and shout

"Boo!" He jumps startled then races toward me. Once again he picks me up and puts me on his shoulder. He runs outside and I cling to him tightly. He throws me in but at the last miniute I grab his shirt and pull him in too. 

We both swim upward gasping for breath. Thank God it's not a school day , I think to myself.


Hey guys,  I finally updated! Thank you mxisy_  for helping me with this chapter! Go follow her she writes teen fiction stories and I recommend them! 

Luv u guys

Holly xxx

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