We walk down the corridor hand in hand smiling at each other. Tobias walked with me to my locker and I wait for him to walk in the other direction whilst I get my books out for class, but instead he walked next to me and opens a locker.
"Is that your locker?" I ask confused
" yeah." He says casually
"Our lockers are next to eachother!" I squeal in excitement and jump up and down like a little kid.
"Calm down Tris, your gonna explode soon." He says laughing. I playfully punch him and Tobias pretends to be hurt. I giggle quietly. And we walk to first period together.
I enter home room to see many faces staring back at me. Among the crowd I see Christina smiling. I take my seat and she whispers in my ear, "you kissed Four!"
"Calm down Christina, you're gonna explode soon."
"I can't calm down!"
"Calm down Christina, you're gonna explode soon." Tori raises her voice.
Christina looks away from me uncomfortably. I smile sweetly at Tori and she winks at me making me giggle. Everyone's heads turn to me, trying not to notice, I stare at the board infront of me. Heat rises in y cheeks and I stare at my shoes instead. When I feel everyone's eyes are not burning holes into my head I turn my attention to the board. Tori stands infront of it and takes the register.
2nd Period
On the way to English, Christiana gushes to me about how cute Four and I look together. Of coarse me being me I was blushing the whole time. Then suddenly Tobias walks out of know where and pecks me on the lips ; I get glares from practically the whole female population. I swear If looks could kill I would have been murdered last week. When the door for 2nd period was in view, I sprinted to the door. But then someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder so I was dangling upside down. I pounded my fists against the persons back but I was the one who felt pain because the back of the person was pure muscle. I soon realised that person was Tobias where he turned me around a pecked me on the lips like he had earlier. We walk into class and everyone eyes us suspiciously. We take our seats and instead of listening to the teacher we stare into each others eyes getting lost in thought.

Thank you unkn0vn for helping me write a bit of this chapter! Go follow!
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Holly xxx

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