Chapter Eight

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(Timeskip to a week later)

Ponyboy and Johnny sit on Ponyboy's bed, staring at the ceiling and talking about basically nothing. Since Johnny doesn't really go to school, Ponyboy mainly talks about what he's missing. Homework, bullies, and mean teachers! Hooray! Once they've settled into a comfortable silence, Ponyboy looks over at Johnny.

"Hey, do you maybe wanna walk over to The Dingo? Maybe get some shakes or something?" He asks.

"Yeah! That sounds like a good time." Johnny says, showing his small smile off to Ponyboy. He thinks it would be fun to go out with Ponyboy. They haven't gone out much since they started dating since they can't show affection out in public, people would grill them alive.

"Great! I'll tell Darry." Ponyboy jumps up out of bed, running to go tell Darry. Once he gets the okay, he goes back to his room and grabs Johnny's hand. "C'mon, I'll pay. Like a gentleman." Ponyboy attempts to wink, but he can't really so he just blinks.

Johnny chuckles as he grabs Ponyboy's hand as he gets up off of Ponyboy's bed. They hold hands for a few moments before walking about the door and letting go. "You are too much sometimes. I think you've been hanging out with Two-Bit a bit much lately."

"Well you've been getting more assertive yourself. Maybe you've been hanging with Dally too much." He says this as a joke, but it really brings him joy to see Johnny stepping out of his shell. He's still not the loudest person, but he at least answers people when they ask him something instead of just nodding. Johnny laughs again and shakes his head.

"You ready to get going, Pony?" Johnny says as he throws on his jean jacket, ready to head out the door.

"You betcha!" Ponyboy says, putting on his shoes and holding the door for Johnny. He's real excited for this outing. They used to go out together all the time, but after the newspaper fame they just didn't want to deal with the bad looks from anybody. The situation has pretty much settled down now, but occasionally someone'll still give Ponyboy a sneer at school.

Johnny walks out the door and waits for Ponyboy. They chat about their lives just like all the times they have before as they walk down the street to get to The Dingo. It isn't a terribly far walk from Ponyboy's house. They should arrive there in no time.They finally spot the worn-out lights of the small restaurant and walk in together, the little bell chiming with glee. They walk up to the counter, and a teenage pretty greaser gal with black hair leads them to a nice booth in the corner.

"Here's the menu! Someone will be with you soon!" She chirps, stalking away. Ponyboy looks across the table at Johnny.

"She sure is happy."

"Yup, sure is." Johnny says as he settles in the seat next to Ponyboy. He looks into Pony's eyes then back down at the table. "What you gonna order, Pony?"

"Mmm, probably what I always get. A chocolate milkshake. What about you, a chocolate shake too?" He slides the menu over to Johnny.

"Yeah. That's what I always get. I love chocolate." Johnny says with a small grin. He scoots closer to Ponyboy and playfully elbows his arm while smirking.

"Yeah, we all do. We're a bunch of chocolate fiends." He jokes. Johnny chuckles. Man, does he love spending time with Ponyboy. Johnny grabs Ponyboy's hand from underneath the table, hoping no one with a keen enough eye notices. They place their order and wait for their milkshakes to arrive. Once they do, they thank the waitress.

"We take a sip when I say 'go,' got it?" Ponyboy smiles. Johnny nods and they get ready. "3...2...1... Go!" Ponyboy shouts, and they sip up about half of their milkshakes on the first sip.

They both laugh as they have a good time together. Every moment Johnny spends with Ponyboy is a good one. Elvis is blaring loudly over the jukebox. They keep talking and laughing like normal, enjoying each other's company. Then something comes creeping into Johnny's mind. Damn it! Why did he have to think this now? Johnny sighs. He starts getting tense and worried as he thinks more and more about this, the thoughts invading his head. Ponyboy is still laughing a bit, but nonetheless he notices Johnny's sigh.

"What's on your mind, man?"

"Pony... what's gonna happen to us if someone finds out about... uhm us." Johnny says in a hushed voice so no one else in this crummy diner can hear. Johnny looks scared, like he has an idea of what might happen if this got out. Johnny does have an idea of what might happen. He's scared Dally will turn on him, his old man might beat him to death, and Darry might not let him even see Ponyboy anymore. All those things terrify him.

Ponyboy bites his lip. They've had a good run so far, just hanging out like they usually do, but with more longing glances. They've really only kissed that one time in the lot. They've been shy after.

"I- I don't know. I don't want to know."

"Would anyone we know even accept us?! I definitely know my parents wouldn't, they don't accept anything I do. Dally and Darry would be so mad. I just don't wanna get caught." Johnny says. His voice is still in hushed tones so no one overhears their conversation. They don't wanna get ratted out.

"Golly, Johnny you're scaring me! I don't wanna think about that! We won't get caught. We're careful, right?" Ponyboy says, biting his cheek. He really doesn't want anyone to know -- he hasn't even really accepted himself yet. He liked to think of his and Johnny's relationship like just normal friends, that want to kiss sometimes.

"Yeah we're careful, but you never know what could happen. We could slip up. We could be in the lot and someone might see us, someone we know, or someone that would rat us out!" Johnny says with a bit of desperation in his voice. He doesn't want to get taken away from Ponyboy. He's the best thing that has ever happened to him. He doesn't want to think of what his life would be like if he didn't have Ponyboy. Ponyboy's heart speeds up, and his palms get all sweaty. He wipes them on his jeans to no avail .

"That can't happen! We just gotta be more careful, then." He starts breathing awful heavily.

"Man. I'm scared. I don't- I don't want anyone to know but us. I'm glad I have you Pony. But I wish I could always show I love you." Johnny says quietly looking up at Ponyboy with his sad brown eyes. Oh, those eyes. Practically nobody can say no to those eyes.

"I wish I could too. But we can't, okay? It's not even really right and heaven knows that the gang would say, and I can't lose Soda or Darry, and we can't afford your parents finding out, and it'd just be a disaster!" Ponyboy says, eyes wide and breathing irregular.

"You're right we can't." Johnny sighs wistfully, dropping his head down. Johnny squeezes Ponyboy's hands from under the table. "Calm down man. Hopefully we won't have to deal with that. Ever."

"Mhm. Yeah, we won't. It'll all be okay." Ponyboy takes a shaky sip of his chocolate milkshake. God, does he love chocolate a whole bunch. Johnny and Ponyboy ease up a bit and they go back to relaxing and having a fun time. They chat and sip their milkshakes as they listen to the booming jukebox as background noise. When they finish up, Ponyboy pays for everything, like a gentleman. Then they start the walk back home. They hold hands hoping no one sees them. They let go as they walk back into Ponyboy's house, but they continue as soon as they walk into Ponyboy's room and shut the door. 

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