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"Before wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by muggles, young wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution. So instead of learning to harness or to control their powers, they developed what was called an Obscurus."

-Newt Scamander

"Hey Freak!" A boy shoved her to the wall. The other two boys smirked seeings the frightened 6 year old.

"Don't call me a freak," Ariana whimpered in fear.

"Hey, what you got there?" The bully snatched the lady bug from her hand and stomped it.

"No! Stop it!" She cried watching the bullies kill her bug.

"Don't cry, use that special magic of yours to revive it," the leader of the two bullies said. The other two followed his lead.

"Yeah," the two boys got close enough to intimidate her small stature.

"I can't," Ariana mumbled.

"You can't or you won't?" The main bully shoved to her wall. Ariana fell to the ground feeling hurt. 

"Listen to me, you freak! You make that bug live or you die!" The bullied pulled her hair. Ariana cried as the bullies shoved her.

"I can't—" Ariana tried to explain, but the bullies began to kick her. They got angry with her not listening to their request.

Ariana begged her abusers to stop, but was ignored. Her abusers had no heart to stop, and continued to mocked her.

Then, Ariana heard someone calling to her,"Silver! Silver! Silver, wake up!" Ariana eyes opened to see Gellert in her room.

Ariana embraced him without a second thought. She cried remembering her awful nightmare. What those boys did to her.

Gellert not being use to hugs, embraced her. He wasn't use to feeling of warm hugs, but seeing Ariana cried he knew had to be there for her.

Judging by her body shaking out of control, her shouts, and her tears. Gellert knew Ariana suffered a terrible dream; perhaps a terrible memory.

"Shhh... no none will hurt you, Silver," Gellert petted her. Ariana began to calm down hearing Gellert's soothing words.

Ariana smelt his strong cologne mixed with old books. She knows he and his brother must have stayed up all night doing research on finding the wand.

He lightly lifted her face," Want to tell what happened?" He wants her to trust him. Ariana shook her head. She wasn't ready to tell anyone what happened. Not even her family knows what how badly those boys treated her.

Gellert looked disappointed, but knew that Ariana would eventually tell him. He knew exactly the power she possessed and wondered how long she has left to live.

"We care about you, Albus and me. You can come to me anytime and share your secrets with me," Gellert fixed her hair.

"And Abe," Ariana added.

"We will not let anyone hurt you, Silver," Gellert promised. Gellert considered his words a lie. He doesn't intend to stay long in Godric Hollow. But deep down, his heart says otherwise.

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise," Gellert promised. She hugged him again. Yet again, his warmth was alluring to him. The smell of her vanilla hair hit his nose. He wanted to do something, he shouldn't.

"Where is Albus?" Ariana switch her attention to finding her brother.

"He went out to bring us bread," Gellert said. Then, the two heard the front door open. "Who wants bread?" Albus arrived.

Th three ate breakfast together, after that Ariana went outside to play. Gellert and Albus focused on their research on finding the three deathly hollows. But Gellert couldn't stop thinking about Ariana.

Gellert dropped the papers on the table," What's wrong Gellert?" Albus notice the strange behavior.

"Your sister, how is it that she became an obscurial?" Gellert wondered. For Albus it was difficult to talk about. He didn't know how it all happened.

All he knew that his father attacked the three boys that bullied his sister. "I am not sure what they did to her. All I know that she is broken. Nothing can be done," Albus looked sad.

He had done research on obscurial, it is known that children die on a young again. Dark magic poison them. He knows someday Ariana would leave this world.

Gellert wanted to hurt those three boys. He wasn't sure why, he felt a sudden angry to find those boys and kill them. "Do you know where they are?" Gellert asked.

Albus looked surprised by the sudden question," Yes, in a muggle village not far from the Ministry," Albus was confused why Gellert wanted to know. Then, he understood, " You want me to kill them?" Albus asked.

Albus thought Gellert was testing his loyalty. For Albus, he would do it out of love for Gellert and his sister. As for Gellert, he wants to visit the muggles boys for his demonstration on new recruits. As both are gathering wizards for their cause. But in reality, his heart wanted to avenge Ariana.

"Do you want to head there?" Albus asked. "Yes, but not now," Gellert focused on his research. The two continue to find more mysterious about the wand, stone, and cloak.

Meanwhile, Ariana talked with Azrael in her room.

"Azzy, what's an obscurial?" Ariana wondered what the term meant. She overheard her brother and his friend talk about her.

"When a young witch or wizard surprises their magic and go through a rough abuse psychological and physical," Azrael answered knowing Ariana is smart to understand.

Ariana remained quiet. She thought about her past abusers. She started to cry thinking back to her nightmares. All the beatings and torture those bullies put her through.
She told Azzy everything those boys did to her.

Azrael watched her cry, listening to the painful truth. He felt her grief and pain, he wanted to comfort Ariana but he couldn't. One touch would kill her, and he wanted her to live.

"Little Dove, don't let the past affect your happiness today. You have much to live for such as family, riches, travel sites, and more," Azrael advised.

"I don't care about riches, but I have brothers I care for. I do want to travel and visit the ocean," Ariana has always wanted to visit the ocean. She has read books about it, and seen it through pictures.

"Have you gone to the beach?" Ariana asked. "Yes, people drown when they swim far," Death explained.

"WOW! I heard it's beautiful," Ariana wishes to see it one day.

"Perhaps, one day you will," Death hoped.

"Her pure innocence eyes, her soft loving heart, her sweet voice, brings me peace. I have a purpose, she made me understand it. I aid the balance in this world to peace and love. I am death, I help bring souls to peace, for this world to exist"

- Azrael

His Silver (Ariana Dumbledore)Where stories live. Discover now