Hallow's Eve Festival

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A month has passed since her adventure hunting for souls. Ariana gained the ability to see all kinds of souls. Somehow, she seems to easily connect with them, as many kindly respect her. However, there are other souls that aren't kind and want to do her harm.

She sees a bulky guy staring at her," Hey watch it!" Ariana fell to the ground. She looked up to see a wizard angrily looking at her.

"Filth," he looked at her in disgust. He cleanse his clothes.

"What did you say!" Albus was ready to strike the man. Gellert helped her up.

"I'm sorry, sir," Ariana apologized as dark ghost nearby laughed at her.

"Albus," Gellert placed his hand on his shoulder. Albus remained in his place.

"Hmm... you ought to watch yourself," The wizard gave a warned glance before he left.

"He will regret it!" Albus looked angrily at the man. "Soon, my friend," Gellert agreed to pay the man a visit someday.

Albus grabbed Ariana's hand into the crowd of Hollow's Eve Festival. It was Ariana's first time seeing a grand spooky feast.

Ariana viewed the many food vendors filled with sweets decor in bats, witch hats, candy drops, and more. The street was filled with activities such fortune telling, haunted houses, ghosts tales, and different kinds of shows.

Gellert looked at his watch before looking at Ariana. "Where would you like to go?"

"Want to try candy apples?" Albus pointed to an apple stand. Ariana desperately wanted to try the apples.

"One candy apple," Albus ordered for his sister. The apple man handed her a candy apple for her take. Albus paid the man as Gellert watched her reaction. Ariana took a bite and loved the tasted.

"What's that?" Ariana eye's caught a small shop named Madam Casandra, learn your fortune.

"It's those silly fortune telling," Albus doesn't believe in it. He has encountered his experience with divination. Although, he passed the class, doesn't mean he found interest.

"Fortune telling?" Ariana didn't understand.

"It means a person reading your future. In order to read someone's future, one has to be a powerful seer," Gellert explained as he can see glimpses of the future. Something, he hasn't revealed to Albus yet.

"It's not worth our time, how about the haunted—" Albus was cut off by Ariana.

"I want to know my future," Ariana headed to the shop. In which, cases Albus and Gellert followed.

Before Ariana entered, she was greeted by a seer," Good evening, I have been expecting you," the woman welcomed the three.

Gellert wondered if she was a real seer, as the woman immediately recognize his hidden ability.

"If you can all follow me, anyone want tea?" She offered as she welcomed them to sit on her round table.

Ariana hid her excitement, she wondered what her future hold. She wanted to know if she would see Azzy soon.

After she served them each a beverage, she began her question," So, who would like to start first?"

"I do!" Ariana shyly answered. The seer smiled, she reached for her hands. The seer immediately felt Ariana's power. She immediately dropped Ariana's hand. The woman looked pale.

"My child, you are battle with between the darkness and the light," the woman grabbed Ariana's hand again. She began to foretell her future," You have suffered, and you will continue to suffer. You were marked. A mark so sinister, yet the dead to see. However, your dark past can lead to...."

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