Just Us!

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Months have passed, Ariana has turned 16, the vision of the spirit have gone worst. Albus is beginning to worry as she would go out of control. Luckily, Gellert helps him calm Ariana.

Albus views Gellert as a fatherly figure for her, as he's the motherly figure. The two boys have set aside their plans to help Ariana. They knew a bit of information about Obscurial, those that possess it die. Both boys feared for it to happen.

*Door Opens

"Albus, did something happened?" Gellert arrived to the cottage after a receiving Albus urgent letter this early morning.

"Is it Ariana?" Gellert thought it was another of her uncontrolled tempers. He notice Albus preparing himself to leave.

"No, an old friend is gravely ill. I have to visit him. Could you stay with Ariana? I know you can calm her when she is out of control," Albus explained his urgency to leave.

"Sure, how bad is he?" Gellert wondered.

"I am not sure. I will know the details when I get there. I will be gone all day. Please can you take care of her?" Albus knew he could trust Gellert babysitting his sister.

"Sure, and Albus, I am sure your friend will be fine," Gellert words comforted Albus. "Thank you," he embraced him.

After Albus left, Gellert stood watching her sleep. He thought about his life without her. What would that be liked? Would he be saddened by her death? Would he forget about her after he and Albus leave to conquer the Wizardry World? Does he regret kiss her? How does he feel about her?

After much thought, he decided to do something special for her. He watched as the sunlight hit her eyes. Slowly, she began to open her eyes.

"Good Morning, Silver," Gellert sat next to her on the bed. Ariana squinted to her eyes before her eyes cleared her view. "Good Morning, Gelley," Ariana was happy to see him.

"Let's have you put your shoes on," Gellert said, which confused her. "Where are we going?" She sat up.

"To the ocean," he knew it was a place she desired to go

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"To the ocean," he knew it was a place she desired to go. Ariana eyes widened in shock. She jumped out of her bed, and quickly got herself ready for the day.

"Where is Albus?" She notice her brother's room was empty. "He went to visit an old friend," Gellert replied.

"You aren't jealous?" Ariana questioned. He has seen Gellert get jealous of Albus other friends. "Why should I? I am not the one who is sick," Gellert grabbed her hand.

The two headed downstairs and packed for food to take. Then, they headed out of the house without anyone noticing. They had to travel to a secluded location to meet an old man standing near a bucket.

His Silver (Ariana Dumbledore)Where stories live. Discover now