night over ✨

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[ I was sleeping then I heard a loud voice]

?? : Y/nnn!!!
Y/n : huh! ( I woke up quickly)
Jimin : get ready
Y/n : for what?
Jimin : for college!
Y/n : ok-ok I'm going to ready.

I go to washroom to do my morning routine.
I came down stairs.

Y/m : y/n,jimin do your breakfast quickly you both are late today.

We both ate breakfast and go to college.

I entered in corridor.

?? : Heyy! Monkey.
Y/n : ahh! What you want now?
Jungkook : nothing much just remembering you that you don't give my reward yesterday.
Y/n : mr.jerk I gave a kiss yesterday if you remember.
Jungkook : that was not a kiss
Y/n : you say that kiss me soo I give you cheek that's it.
Jungkook : just wait and watch I'll take it by my own.
Y/n : blah-blah. Whatever 🙄

The bell ring 🔔

Y/n and jungkook both rushed to there classes.

{The whole day jungkook don't tease you and not came closer to you}

?? : Y/n!
You looked backward
Y/n : ohh! Tae-tae.
Tae : are you free tonight?
Y/n : yes! But why are you asking this?
Tae : there is a night over wanna come with me?
Y/n : ofcourse but I don't have bought clothes.
Tae : don't worry you will get clothes there.
Y/n : that's great then let's go

You both left

Y/n : tell me who's house are we going?
Tae : you will see it

After a few moments

Tae : we have reached
Y/n : wait this house is looking similar 🧐
Tae : hehehe 😅 don't think too much let's go inside.
Y/n : ok

(You both go inside but)

Y/n : j-jungkook?

Jungkook : ohh! Miss beautiful you ? (Smirk 😏)Y/n : what are you doing here 🧐Jungkook : may I ask same question too ?Y/n : ???Jungkook : this is my house don't you remember?Y/n : that's why it's looking similar (you looked at tae with glare )Tae...

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Jungkook : ohh! Miss beautiful you ? (Smirk 😏)
Y/n : what are you doing here 🧐
Jungkook : may I ask same question too ?
Y/n : ???
Jungkook : this is my house don't you remember?
Y/n : that's why it's looking similar (you looked at tae with glare )
Tae : hehehe 😅
Y/n : I will see you!

Then someone innterput

?? : Hello guys!

You all looked at that direction

Y/n : Hyuna?
Hyuna : heyy! Can I join you too?
Jimin : ofcourse!
Hyuna : thanks!
Jungkook : wait! You invite her ?
Jimin : yes she was asking too and you know how much I sweet to girls.
Y/n : seriously? 🙄
Jimin : I said girls not animals.
Y/n : 😒
Jungkook : don't you both going to change your clothes?
Y/n : I-I don't bought it 😅
Jungkook : ahh! You can take mine shirt.
Hyuna : I also don't have clothes-
Tae : I have extra take it.

(Jungkook gave his shirt to and you both left to change)

I came in living room suddenly everyone start laughing.

Y/n : why are you laughing? Am I looking clown?
Jungkook : no teady bear.(laugh)
Y/n : shut up!
Jungkook : BTW you are looking cute in this bae (whisper)
Y/n : (my cheeks turned red on his compliment 😳)
Jungkook : someone is blushing huh!(smirk 😏)
Y/n : I'm not!
Jungkook : but I don't say your name (act innocent)
Y/n : ughh!this boy.
Jungkook : let's watch a movie?
Jimin : yeah! I'll select the movie you go and bought snacks.
Jungkook : okiee but send someone for help (looked at y/n)
Jimin : y/n you go.
Y/n : me ?
Jimin : yes you.
Y/n : you can send tae-tae too.
Tae : you go I'm selecting movie with jimin hyung.
Y/n : hump!
Jungkook : let's go baby😉
Y/n : yes mr.jerk
Jungkook : l call you with a sweet name you say me mr.jerk ?
Y/n : shut up!

(You both walk towards the kitchen)

Jungkook : y/n come here
Y/n : yes
Jungkook : in that upper salf there is chips packet take it please.
Y/n : okiee
{You try to take chips packet but that was too much upper then your height. Suddenly you fell two cold hands on your waist who's lift you up}
Jungkook : take now
Y/n : umm..y-yes~

After you take chips packet he put you down gently

Jungkook : you are not that much heavy, your brother tell about.
Y/n : and what he I'm very heavy?
Jungkook : yeah!
Y/n : now he will going to dead by my hands
Jungkook : you say something?
Y/n : ah-nothing 😅
Jungkook : come here I have something to tell you.
Y/n : what you want tell (go to him)

Jungkook hold waist.

Y/n : j-ju-jungkook wh-what are you doing?
Jungkook : just taking my reward which you don't gave me.(looked at your lips)may I?
Y/n : Ummm....
(before you could say he attached his lips to yours and start kissing softly. It become out of breath you tapped on his shoulder. He pulled you out and looked at your eyes)

Jungkook : looked what I get it by my own 😏.
Y/n : you f*cking jeon (breathing heavily)
Jimin : y/nnn!, jungkoookk! Came fast (shout from living room)
Jungkook : coming! Let's go

You both left from there.

Jimin : you take too much time?
Jungkook : nothing just we could not find chips packet.
Jimin : but packet is here 🧐?
Jungkook : i-its was in upper salf we found it later 😅
Jimin : ok then let's watch

He start the movie

Then a horror sence come.

Y/n : ahh! (hold jungkook's arm) oh! sorry.
Jungkook : you can hold it.(hold your hand)

{Movie end}

Jungkook : y/n
Y/n : (no response)
Jungkook : is she fall asleep?(looked at you) looking cute while sleeping 🤭 wait everyone fall asleep then why I am awake? I'm going too.

(Jungkook take you in bridal style)

Jungkook : let's go princess. (Take you on his room)

{In bedroom}

He placed on bed gently and laid beside you. You turn your Face on jungkook chest.

Y/n : Umm...(snuggle on his chest)
Jungkook : hehehe what are doing. (Hug you) let's sleep baby

The whole you hug jungkook like Kuala.






Thanks for watching 💜✨
Next part will come soon 💫
Borahae 💜✨

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