my baby ✨

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I came in corridor with my brother and suddenly hear my favourite one voice.

?? : Y/niee!
Y/n : jungkook!
Jungkook : why you don't came from past three days?
Y/n : I was sick
Jungkook : are you ok now?
Y/n : yes
Jimin : I'm here too bro
Jungkook : oh! Heyy pabo
Jimin : can I ask you both something?
Y/n + jungkook : yes
Jimin : when you both become this much friends?
Y/n : oppa it's a long story you are better if you not listen this😅
Jimin : you both are wired
Y/n : I'm going my class will start in anytime
Y/n : byee
Jungkook : bye♡(smile)
Jimin : heyy! Don't try to getting close to my innocent sis
Jungkook : ??

(They both also left for there class)

{ Y/n POV}

I came in class and start searching for tae-tae

Y/n : where is he?
Tae : heyy pabo
Y/n : oh! You are here
Tae : what's your matter with jungkook huh? (Smirk 😏)
Y/n : heyy! Nothing is like that (blushed)
Tae : then why are blushing grul 😏
Y/n : shut up!

Suddenly teacher come and start the class

(After class you both came in cafeteria)

Y/n : did you see jungkook tae?
?? : Yes right behind
Y/n : huh! Kook you scare me idiot
Jungkook : hehehe! Kook is cute by the way 😁
Y/n : let's eat?
Jungkook : sure!
Tae : jungkook what y/n is to you?
Jungkook : my little baby ✨
Y/n : heyy! I'm not a kid
Jungkook : yes you are

Borahae 💜✨🌺
I know this part is too short and other part will come late because my exam is start.♡

MY BROTHER'S BESTFRIEND ||J.JK FF||✓Where stories live. Discover now