Yahhh! don't tease me 🙈

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I'm coming home from college as you know now I'm senior. Suddenly my phone start buzzing. I looked at caller ID and I smile. It's jungkook's call. I pick the call.

{On call}

Jungkook : hi baby
Y/n : hi what are doing now?
Jungkook : nothing just talking with you
Y/n : Ooo.. koo
Jungkook : nae yaebo 💕
(yes darling)
Y/n : I will call you when I reached home ok?
Jungkook : okiee
Y/n : byee ggukkie♡
Jungkook : byee sweetheart ❤️
(Hang up)

I rang the bell ding-dong and a tall figure appear infront of me.

Y/n : who are you mr. ?
Jimin : heyy! It's my friend RM hyung
Y/n : oh! Hello RM oppa
RM : hello you are jungkook's girlfriend right-
Y/n : YEAH-YEAH I'm Jimin's younger sister
Jimin : jungkook's girlfriend?
RM : yeah he told that he have a girlfriend and her name is Y/n too
Jimin : what? Is this true y/n ?
Y/n : I-I (suddenly my phone rang)
Jimin : who's calling you (snatch phone from y/n's hand)
Jimin : love (jungkook ♥️)? Y/n what is this?
Y/n : umm.. oppa jungkook is my b-boyfriend
Jimin :wwhhaattt!! Why you don't tell me about this!
Y/n : I w-want to suprise you hehehe 😅
Jimin : wait let me pick the call

[He pick the call]

Jungkook : jagiya you reached home?
Jimin : by the way your jagiya is not here jeon
Jungkook : j-jimin h-hyung?
Jimin : why you don't tell me that you trap my sister in your trap?
Jungkook : what?
Jimin : nothing
Jungkook : i-is y/n there👉👈?
Jimin : y/n your lover want to talk with you
Y/n : (I take the phone from Oppa hand and ran to my room) don't you wait for a second .
Jungkook : how can I know about that your brother is there too
Y/n : hmmm. What are you doing now?
Jungkook : nothing just in a flight
Y/n : where are you going?
Jungkook : BUSAN !
Y/n : what are you coming here?
Jungkook : yeah but only for one week
Y/n : call me when you reached ok
Jungkook : why are you going to pick me?😏
Y/n : huh! Yes
Jungkook : ok that's great to hear
Y/n : hehehe 🤭 now I'm hanging up I'm going to bath
Jungkook : can I join you too?(smirk 😏)
Y/n : shut up! Pervert boy
Jungkook : hehehe byee
Y/n : byeee
(Hang up)

I go to take a shower in bathroom. After taking shower.

Y/n : oppa
Jimin : yes?
Y/n : may I go to tae house?
Jimin : go, but came home at time got it?
Y/n : okiee (l left for tae house)

I rang the doorbell ding-dong

Tae : heyy pabo what's up
Y/n : I'm good let's play something?
Tae : sure come in
Y/n : (I go inside the house)

We both are playing video games suddenly my phone rang.

On call

Y/n : hello?
Jungkook : what are you doing?
Y/n : oh! I just came in tae house for playing games what about you?
Jungkook : nothing just getting bored in this flight. I wished you are here too mrs.jeon than I will not feel bored
Y/n : but I can't mr.jeon so you have to bored
Jungkook : hmm..
Y/n : koo I will call you at night I'm playing games so bye
Jungkook : byee sweetheart ❤️✨

(Hang up)

Tae : ohooo! Mrs.jeon jungkook is right beside me 😏
Y/n : you hear that?
Tae : yes mrs.jeon jungkook~
Y/n : yahh! Don't tease me 🙈 (shy + blushing)
Tae : huh! I can see someone is blushing 😏
Y/n : tae Stop it!
Tae : and why would I. Mrs.jeon jungkook?
Y/n : aruhhh! Pls stop it tae
Tae : hehehe your whole face turned red like tomato
Y/n : wh-what?
Tae : yeah you are blushing do much gurl
Y/n : than Don't tease me
Tae : ok-ok I think this time is for leaving house y/n?
Y/n : yeah I'm going byeee tae-tae
Tae : bye monkey

(I left for home)





Borahae 💜✨

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