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(Jungkook POV)

I came and sat in the car.

Jungkook : where is she?
(I call her) y/nn!
Y/n : yeah!yeah! coming

( Y/n came and sat in car)

{Jungkook start the car}

Jungkook : are you going to take this shirt off or not?
Y/n : Is I have something now to wear either this?
Jungkook : blah-blah
Y/n : shi-bal (mumb)
Jungkook : what did you say 🤨
Y/n : non of your business mr.
Jungkook : I hear that what you say "shi-bal"
Y/n : Soo?
Jungkook : you are a kid so behave like a nice child otherwise I will tell aunty that you say "shi-bal" to me
Y/n : you just know about how to backbiting
Jungkook : shut your mouth!
Y/n : And why would I It's my mouth I can say whatever I want!!!
Jungkook : DON'T YOU F*CKING UNDERSTAND WHAT I SAID!!( shout at you)

( By the way y/n is sensitive if someone shout at her she start to be cry )

Y/n : (tears filled in my eyes) (sniff-sniff)
Jungkook : (I looked at her and got shock after seeing her crying) y/n what happened?
Y/n : why do care (cry voice)
Jungkook : just tell me otherwise your brother will not leave me
Y/n : don't talk to me
Jungkook : y/niee tell na what happened?
Y/n : why did you shout at me 🥺
Jungkook : I-i don't me that you know I'm short tempered and mom was scold me that's why my mood was not good
Y/n : (he wiped my tears with his thumb)
Jungkook : don't cry ok (smile) you want ice cream?
Y/n : yes!
Jungkook : cute (mumb)

(He drove the car towards the ice cream shop)

Jungkook : wait here I'm coming with icecream
Y/n : no I want to come too
Jungkook : as you wish

(You both walk inside the shop)

Jungkook : stay here I'm coming
Y/n : okiee

(Jungkook go to icecream counter to take icecream. Then he saw you talking you with a boy)

Y/n : heyy! Jack long time don't see you
Jack : heyy! Y/n I miss you so what are doing these days?
Y/n : nothing much what about you?

(Jungkook saw you laughing and talking with Jack his blood boiled in jealousy)

(Jungkook saw you laughing and talking with Jack his blood boiled in jealousy)

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Jungkook : why that b@stard is closed to my princess. I swear if he touch her than he is going to dead now.

You saw jungkook looking at you both like he is going to eat you.

Jungkook came with icecream.

Jungkook : baby let's go
Y/n : jungkook meet my childhood friend jack. Jack he is jungkook my-
Jungkook : I'm her boyfriend nice to meet you. (Fake smile)
Jack : oh! Nice to meet you too. I'm leaving I think I innterput in your date bye

(Jack left from there)

Y/n : why you said that you are my boyfriend?

(Jungkook don't listen and drag you to car)

Y/n : jungkook
Jungkook : (no response)
Y/n : baby♡ (sweet voice)
Jungkook : (looked at you) wh-what (blushed)
Y/n : first tell me why are you behaving odd to jack?
Jungkook : jimin hyung give me your responsibility to drop you home safely and you are talking I with unknown person
Y/n : he is not unknown jungkook.
Jungkook : whatever! Don't eat this icecream then I'm eating this.
Y/n : heyy! It's mine.
Jungkook : let me taste one?
Y/n : no!
Jungkook : please
Y/n : arhh!! Okay o but only one bite (you feed him a spoon)
Jungkook : Umm... It's good
Y/n ( you looked at him with smile)
Jungkook : y/n
Y/n : hmm
Jungkook : we have reached
Y/n : what this fast I want spend more time with you.
Jungkook : next time now go otherwise your aunty will come
Y/n : byee
Jungkook : byee sweetheart (blow a flying kiss)
Y/n : aish! Prevert boy (blush)

Day past like this and y/n and jungkook became good friends




Borahae 💜✨

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