married soon 💗✨

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Days passed like this and Y/N is graduated now, just one 1 day more or jungkook will finish his training and came to Busan again.

Y/n is coming with taehyung after shopping.

Y/n : tae
Tae : yes?
Y/n : what's tomorrow? (excited)
Tae : your soon to be husband is coming from Seoul
Y/n : I can't wait anymore

Dial jungkook's number

On call :

You put phone on speaker

Y/n : hello
Jungkook : y/nishh
Y/n : hmm
Jungkook : don't call me now, I'm sleeping baby
Y/n : ok-
Tae : is this manner to talk with your girlfriend
Jungkook : shut up! You brat, baby I will call you you later
Y/n : okiee
Jungkook : byee! Love you 💗
Y/n : byeee love you too 💫

(Hang up)

Tae : Is I'm fool to him
Y/n : (chuckle) he is in half-sleep that's why he is talking like that
Tae : then why he is talking nicely to you
Y/n : ooffoo! you are such a child
Tae : I'm not a child.
Y/n : yes you are !

The day is passed like this and today Jungkook will come with his family on dinner.

[The next day]

Time : 12:34

Jimin came in your and wake you.

Jimin : y/n!
Y/n : 5mins more mom(sleepy tone)
Jimin : yahh! I'm your brother not mom!
Y/n : huh! Oppa
Jimin : Jungkook is already arrived at his home want to meet him? I'm going
Y/n : no, he will come today
Jimin : ok then I'm going and
Y/n : and?
Jimin : GET FRESHEN UP! MOM IS SHOUTIN! (Shout and left)
Y/n : yahh! He broke my sweet sleep
(go to washroom for freshen up)

You came down stairs

Y/n : good morning mom
Y/m : it's afternoon!
Y/n : oh! Then good afternoon
Y/m : what are doing in night?
Y/n : h-huh! Why?
Y/m : whom are talking with in late night?
Y/n : umm..I-
Y/m : Jungkook I'm right mrs.jeon Jungkook
Y/n : (widen eyes 😳) d-did yo-you j-just call me m-mrs.jeon j-jungkook?
Y/m : yahh! Aren't are you going to soon? (Teasingly)
Y/n : mmoooommm!
Y/m : (chuckle 🤭) you are still kid
Y/n : ??
Y/m : leave it we are going on shopping now
Y/n : but I just go yesterday
Y/m : 🤦 we are going for your dress not for grocery idiot girl
Y/n : oh! Then let's go mom
Y/m : hmmm

You both left for shopping.

It's dinner time and suddenly bell rang (ding - dong). Jimin open the door.

Jimin : oh! Hello aunty and uncle (bow)
Mrs.jeon+mr.jeon : hello
Jimin : pls, came inside why are you standing (smile)

Mr. And Mrs.jeon came inside.

Jimin : finally you came to take your princess (wink 😉)
Jungkook : (blushed) hmm (shyly)
Jimin : why are you standing came inside broo.

They all take there sits. Your mom and dad came there too. They all start chit-chating. Then your mom say to jimin to call you.

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