What is in your neck🧐

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I came down stairs then.

Jimin : where are till now?
Y/n : Umm.. i-in room.
Jimin : who's room?
Y/n : wh-what kind of question is this ?
Jimin : just answer who's room?
Y/n : j-ju-jungkook
Jimin : and where he is?
Y/n : i-in his room
Jimin : so both of you are in same room
Y/n : soo?
Jimin : what soo? You are with a unknown and sleep in his room too
Y/n : he is not unknown I know him very well
Jimin : don't worry I will tell this to mom then say this too "he is not unknown he is jungkook" right?
Y/n : wh-what are you out of your mind oppa mom will not leave me
Jimin : then why you sleep in his room?
Y/n : I don't know I slept here and when I transfer to his room.
Jimin : is it?
Y/n : yeah
Jimin : call him here
Y/n : I'm not going
Jimin : aruhh!! What kind of sis you are don't do a little work for me🙄
Hyuna : I can call him if you want
Jimin : ok-
Y/n : I'm going to call him.

(You go to his room in a speed of flash)

{In his room}

Y/n : mr.jungkook.
Jungkook : oh! What you want?
Y/n : my brother is calling you so came down stairs quickly!
Jungkook : f-for wh-what?
Y/n : I don't know?
Jungkook : ok I'm coming

(You both came down)

Jungkook : what happened hyung?
Jimin : did you take y/n in your room?
Jungkook : (glup hard) ye-yes
Jimin : for what did you take her in your room?
Jungkook : h-here is no place to sleep so I take her in my room but I don't go near to her I slept on couch
Jimin : really?
Jungkook : ye-yes
Jimin : ok then I'm going I have some work soo jungkook drop her to home ok?
Jungkook : yes my honour 😌
Y/n : what?
Jimin : wait what is in your neck y/n?
Y/n : wh-what?
Jimin : is this hickey 🧐?
Y/n : no-no-no it's not that oppa
Jimin : then what?
Y/n : I think I accedently hit something here hehehe😅
(in mind : jungkook I will not leave you brat!)
Jimin : I'm going then bye👋
Jungkook : bye hyungiee👋
Y/n : why did you do that jerk!
Jungkook : it's my hickey I have give you should thankful for that I gave you my first bite bae😏
Y/n : idiot! (left from there)
Jungkook : it's strange she should be happy I gave her my first love bite idiot girl (left from there too)

Jungkook : what happened hyung?Jimin : did you take y/n in your room?Jungkook : (glup hard) ye-yesJimin : for what did you take her in your room?Jungkook : h-here is no place to sleep so I take her in my room but I don't go near to her I slept on ...

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Saranghae ♡

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