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Jungkook : (pulled out)
Y/n : (blushed)
Tae : I think someone is blushing huh 😏
Y/n : yahh! Shut up!
Tae : look at your face turned red like a tomato
Y/n : wh-what? (Touch her face)
Jungkook : y/n
Y/n : what?
Jungkook : water
Y/n : what water?
Jungkook : can you give me some water to drink pls
Y/n : come with me (cold)
Jungkook : (follow you)

In the kitchen

Jungkook : baby (hold my waist)
Y/n : what!
Jungkook : are you still angry on me
Y/n : (no response)
Jungkook : you know joo-woo is not a good guy as well as I know
Y/n : (looked at him)
Jungkook : you know that he trap girls with his sweet talking and after that do whatever he want he is such sl*t and I don't want to loose you (kiss your forehead)
Y/n : really? (innocently)
Jungkook : yes
Y/n : ok then I will stay away from him
Jungkook : good
Y/n : don't you want water now?
Jungkook : nahh! I just came here to take my kiss (kiss you)
Y/n : (after breaking kiss) let's go now-
?? : wwooowwww! What a sense
Y/n : m-mom? (Pushed him)
Y/m : don't you both find a good place to kiss
Y/n + Jungkook : ???
Y/m : continue - continue I'm going
Y/n : mom
Y/m : yes
Y/n : yo-you know a-about this?
Y/m : ofcourse jk's mom know about this too
Y/n : wh-what!
Y/m : yahh! Jk's mom tell me about you both she already has see you both kissing eachother
Y/n : where?
Y/m : I don't know but many but many times
Y/n : so, don't you have any questions
Y/m : I have but I will ask when Jungkook with his family to take your hand
Y/n : so, you plan already
Y/m : yes honey now I'm going (left)

/n : koo!
Jungkook : yes
Y/n : mom knows! (Jump in his arms)
Jungkook : (caught you) they don't have any problem (happily)
Y/n : I know (smile)
Jimin : if you done then play with us
Y/n : oops! I forgot 😅 (leave Jungkook)

In living room

You both came and sat beside eachother.

Tae : oh! I think fight is over
Y/n : (glare at him)
Tae : ah-ah what are you waiting for let's play.

After a few hours

They all are left for home.

Jungkook : I will call when reach (kiss your cheek)
Y/n : byeee (blow a flying kiss)
Jimin : oh! Hello it's not your romance place
Y/n : (embrace) I'm sorry I'm going in my room (left)
Jimin : what are you waiting for goo
Jungkook : yahh-yahh I'm going darling (wink)
Jimin : yahh! Do this with your girlfriend not me! (shout)
Jungkook : byee (rushed from there)

Days passed like this and it's been a week. Now this time is for bye Jungkook again.





Lobe U 💗✨

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