Chapter 171 - 180

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Chapter 171

"Not bad, every time I see you? There are new surprises. Did you just come from Professor Shangguan?" Taoist Priest Zi Yan looked at her with admiration in his eyes. His eyes looked from top to bottom, without any backache. , but it feels like a spring breeze. His eyes wandered halfway, he noticed the talisman pen in her hand, and said.

"Well, I happened to have studied with you for some time before, and I liked it very much."

Taoist Priest Zi Yan recalled her annoying behavior in those days, and twitched the corner of his mouth: "You have made great progress in the talisman and seal script. I think you have made great progress. "You must have surpassed me now."

"No way, if you continue to praise me, I will be embarrassed." "

In the future, if you say to others that I am the master of talisman and seal script, you will give me a lot of salary." ?Face."

"The robes you have started to develop have begun mass production. They have amazing defensive power and can protect the bodies of the soldiers in all aspects. That is a really great contribution." Along the way, she often listened to what Li Zhigao said. this matter.

"Okay, let's talk about business, right?" Taoist Priest Zi Yan laughed angrily.

"How can I? This is a compliment from the bottom of my heart."

"Okay, okay, I believe you?, kid is smart, let's go, take you? to see..."

Taoist priest Zi Yan has been away from the mountain for more than a year, in the form The style of work also started to change. Take her hand and lead her to the materials inside?

All the way across the workbench, many talisman masters were writing and drawing on neatly cut cloths, their eyes were enthusiastic and clear, and their minds were extremely focused. As a result, the spiritual energy in the entire space was surging and surging.

Affected by the environment, even when she was in it, she couldn't help but get excited, and her palms were ready to move. She wanted to roll up her sleeves and have a fight with those ferocious mutant beasts.

As we walked further inside, we saw several gray-haired senior Taoist priests who were also staying up just like the young people, always having strong tea and coffee. The talismans in their hands will be more refined, and almost all the most important formations of the entire robe are completed by them, which shows how serious the consumption of spiritual power is.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhongqian is a generous and gentle person. In addition to rice porridge, the insulated lunch box on the side also contains an egg and a piece of meat. The combination of meat and vegetables can provide the body with the nutrients it needs.

The focused and serious demeanor makes people unconsciously sit upright and hold their chests high.

She believes that everyone's efforts will become X-star fireworks. Even if the night comes, the fluorescence will spread all over and light up the way forward.

As one of them, Feng Nianxi felt both proud and sad.

No, she had to do something within her power. Suddenly, she thought that she had the habit of recording her practice experiences. Sometimes it was normal to write tens of thousands of words. Since she had handed in all the techniques, she wouldn't know how to do it. He was so stingy that he wouldn't even lend his notes to others.

After visiting for a long time, Feng Nianxi finally couldn't hold it back anymore. Feng Nianxi said quietly: "In the past few months, in addition to focusing on practicing, I also compiled a set of introductory guides to talismans. If you don't mind it..." "

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