Chapter 3

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Sophie just then realized how much she missed her home as the pastures glittered into view. She let herself in the house, calling her adoptive parents names and hoping she wasn't in as much trouble as she thought she'd be. As soon as Edaline heard her voice, she dashed down the stairs, not caring to wash her tear stained face. Sophie heard someone stomping down the stairs. She was scared for a moment until she saw Edaline, dashing over to wrap her up in the biggest hug ever.

"Oh Sophie, I didn't think I could handle receiving another round of condolences for another funeral. The only reason I could bear it is that I knew you were still alive. And I was right." Edaline cracked a smile and Sophie tightened her grip on her mom, not wanting to let go ever again. She sank into the hug, tuning out all the animal noises coming from the pastures. "Where's Grady?"

Edaline pulled away, but then immediately wrapped her up again. "He went looking for you," she explained. She pulled away again and said she'd be back before dashing up the stairs again. She mad her way up to her bedroom and collapsed on her big bed, wanting to fall asleep and rest her head, but she couldn't. She had to go back to Keefe.

She had to settle for a quick shower, new clothes, and mallowmelt for her and Keefe. Edaline wanted to come with her so she went up to the Leapmaster 500 and sat down in one of the chairs surrounding it. 5 minutes later Edaline finally trekked up the stairs to the Leapmaster and flashed Sophie a grin. She took her hand, called out Foxfire, and stepped into the light.

------------------------------------------------------------------------5 DAYS LATER--------------------------------------------------------------------------

She was a mess. Sitting on the cot beside Keefe with Marella, Linh, and Biana, planning their next move on the Neverseen. She thought they would be gone now that Vespera was dead, but no, they decided to take Grady.

Edaline was a mess as well. When she tried hailing Grady, there was no answer. And obviously the first thing she did was panic. And that got nowhere. So now, Sophie and the girls were thinking of places Grady could be held. When an hour passed and they were having no luck, the best the other girls could do is give Sophie a hug.

-----------------------------------------------------------TWO MONTHS LATER-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Sophie POV:

Obviously no progress besides Keefe and Fitz being discharged. The chances of Grady being alive were getting smaller by the second. The Black swan checked some places, but our only lead is a place we saw a few Neverseen members at. Paris, France. "The place me and Dex were held when we were kidnapped." I said when they told me where they were and what happened. "He might not be in the place that you were held," Squall said to me and Dex. Dex reached into his pocket and took out some wires, pieces of metal, and other things, and started playing around with them.

Dex probably still wasn't used to his mom being a member of the collective. It came as a shock for me too. "But what if it is? It would be uncomfortable for Dex and Sophie." Biana said. "Then they don't have to go." Granite assured. I shook my head. "I'm going to get Grady back no matter the amount of uncomfortableness." Silence. I watched as Squall made her way to the corner to comfort a crying Edaline. At first, the silence was just a.. silent silence, but now, it's an uncomfortable silence.

After a minute of the uncomfortable silence, I decided it was enough. "Well, we at least have to try." I stated. "And no one said we weren't." Mr. Forkle replied. Great, more silence. I stood up to face Dex, still fidgeting with the wires and stuff. He looked up at me, a confused look on his face. "You know Dex, you don't have to go if it makes you uncomfortable." I turned to face the rest of my friends. "That goes for you guys as well. Better choose quick, because I'm going now." I made my way over to Keefe and whispered. "You have your dad's crystal?" He flashed me one of his famous smirks and placed it in my hand. I tuned out all the people shouting reason. I'm getting my dad back.

"If your coming with me, let's go!" I shouted on top of everybody. The group that joined me out side consisted of Keefe, Edaline, and, surprisingly, Linh. "Linh?" I asked. "I know your probably thinking 'oh, what's scared little Linh doing here without her brother?', well I can make decisions without Tam. Grady was really nice to me, and I don't want to loose him just like you." I smiled and so did Edaline. I turned the crystal to the facet that's supposedly the one to take us to Paris and held it up to the light. "Last chance to back out." No one replied. And Linh took the first step for us, the step into the light.

----------------------------------------------------------------------PARIS, FRANCE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Linh POV:

I know I told Sophie that I wasn't scared, but the truth is, I'M FREAKING OUT. I just wanted to show Tam that I can take care of myself. But I can't even get past the first step-- being brave. But it's not too late to change that. That's why I put on a brave face as the streets of Paris glittered into view. Edaline marveled at the sights, Keefe seemed like.. Keefe, and Sophie let a tear slip from her eye. Even the bravest people cry, I guess. "So.. where to, Sophie?" I asked.

Right as Sophie was about to answer, Keefe cut in. "Shouldn't we have a plan or something?" He asked. "No, we shouldn't. Do things you normally wouldn't do to catch them off guard. Like... Keefe, be serious. Or Linh, fight harder than normal. Edaline, um, conjure something that's not a melder. Save that for a last resort. Do anything you normally wouldn't do. Now cmon, let's find Grady." We all nodded and Keefe handed Sophie something... An obscurer! Thank goodness.

As we were walking, I couldn't help but marvel at the surroundings. The buildings didn't have any sparkles! Maybe that's why I like it better, because it's nowhere near anything us elves would build. A few turns later, we were face to face with... An alleyway? You could've done better, Neverseen. "Ugh, I know it's somewhere.." Sophie mumbled as she slowly dragged her hands along the wall.

Click. A trap door opened revealing a ladder. Edaline dashed forward but Sophie stopped her. "I should try tracking his thoughts first. He might not be there and there might be traps." Edaline took a few steps back and Sophie closed her eyes. 865 seconds later, she opened her eyes. "He is..." With that, she ran forward, practically jumping all the way down. To our misfortune, the hideout was swarming with Neverseen members. Sophie just started talking in ogreish. I played along and started twerking, Keefe was trying to make us stop, and Edaline just stared at the wall. Gotcha now.

Another Chappie! Thanks to everyone who started reading! I'm not really sure if the location of the secret base is correct, but again, pretend for the sake of the story!

Question: Sofitz, Sodex, Sotam, or Sokeefe? I like Sokeefe ofc!

Bye everyone!

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