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Hey friends!

Ok so....bit of a sad news...

I will not be able to update for a good 3-4 weeks. That means a little less than the entire month. 2023 has flown way too fast and I cannot explain how great of a year it has been especially with me starting the The Last Page Series. 

Now don't worry, of course I will be updating but I have exams coming up so can't do before they end. It will be Christmas by the time it does end and the entire family will be coming together then so I will probably not have so much time.

But I will try my level best to give a few updates before next year (wow that feels weird to say!)

I hope you won't be giving up on my story because I have a lot planned for you all. And I mean it. Write in the comments what you think is going to happen. Will the pair get to the end of their story smoothly or will they have some bumps along the road?

Please stay tuned to see our boy Abhik's love life blossom!

Over and out.


Musical Notes (The Last Page Series-2)Where stories live. Discover now