Surprise Surprise

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Loud honks were heard up till Abhik's apartment as he straightened his kurta and combed through his hair one last time.

Throwing his backpack in the backseat, he opened the door to the passenger seat, a string of apologies flowing off his lips like a chant. 

"That was quite fast.", Alex said looking into his soul.

Taking time to process the comment he replied,

"Was that supposed to be sarcastic or-"

"Figure it out Sherlock.", Alex interrupted with a roll of his eyes.

"Fair enough", Abhik replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

The engine has hit and off the went, towards there destination.

"Tell me more", Alex suddenly asked.

"About what?", Abhik looks up from his phone, oblivious.

"An Indian wedding of course."

"Haven't you asked about it before?"

"And you had said had we needed clothes for it? Yeah, I remember. And I would hope there is more to it.", Alex reminded him.

"Well, I don't know about others but as I have told you bengali weddings are stretched over three-four days,

We have the 'Ai Buro Bhaat' which happens the day before the wedding. 'Ai Buro' means a bachelor or and bachelorette and 'Bhaat' means rice, thus 'Ai Buro Bhaat' celebrates the last meal of the person as a bachelor. In the evening of the day, we have 'Sangeet', which is today. I have explained it to you, but it's nothing it you experience it. The next day is of course the wedding. Starts with 'Gaye Holud' in which people apply turmeric on the bride and the groom to ward off any evil eye. The wedding happens at the time designated by the priest. It ends with the 'Bashor Rath'. It is the night of the wedding when the siblings, cousins and friends from both parties come together and spend all night chatting and playing games. I think with a gap of a day, there is a ritual called 'Bou bhaat' but I really don't know much about it. It kind of marks the the first meal of the wife at her husband's house.

Yeah...that's about it.", Abhik sighed.

"It?! That was it?! It sounds dreadfully exhausting.", Alex's eyes widened. 

"Just you wait. It is nothing like you have ever seen before.", came the reply.

"Beta, please take this and give it to the bride's mother. She will know what to do.", with that a middle aged woman pushed a basket full of flowers into Alex's arms and disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared.

"Nothing like I have ever seen before?", Alex mocked Abhik, looking at him with narrow eyes. 

Abhik chuckled nervously, took the basket from his hands and turned around to run for his life.

Except he collided into someone. The basket went flying at the force, flowers showring over them. Abhik looked to see none other than Mia standing with a half filled glass of soda, her face wet with the other half and her eyes closed at the impact. 

Her eyes fluttered open, they both looked at each other for some time. Her facial expressions turned from surprised to furious quick. 

He took small steps back, only to meet with Alex with a basket hanging from his head. Yup, he knew he was screwed. No chance of escape.

"2 hours, AJ. It took me 2 hours to do this make up!", shrieked Mia.

"You said this would be fun!", Alex exclaimed.

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